
My new friend has a crush on my dad??????

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She just met my parents a few weeks ago for the first time. It's making me feel really awkward around her. I don't know if I even want to be friends with her anymore.




  1. *yikes* haha how old is your dad?!?! lol

    just ignore it and hope she grows out of it.

    maybe she doesn't have a good father figure in her life....??

    theres no way to kno.

    find out more before you ditch her. give her a chance.

    good luck♥

  2. yea.. it would be kinda awkward. just don't let her anywhere near your dad. try not to make it obvious or anything, so she doesn't go around spreading rumors about u and ur dad.

  3. Aw, don't take it so seriously. If she makes comments that make you uncomfortable, just tell her. =]

  4. WTF?!?!?!?! That is soooo wrong. eww.

  5. It just like when they crushes on your brothers. You think ughhh but they think he hot, I mean you shouldn't dump her for liking your dad now that just sorta rude. Just tell her it make you feel awkward and annoy. And tell her to cool it. And that she should at least find someone your age to like.

  6. ewwe!!  She probably has daddy problems (i.e. no daddy)

  7. I wouldn't stop being friends with her. Its just a crush as long as she doesn't take her actions any further. Everyone gets crushes and you cant really control them, but i would straight up tell her that it makes you feel awkward. Ohand alo, keep her seperated from your dad. Go to her house intead.  

  8. Make sure she never sees your dad again!

  9. dude thats so effin nasty, but wat can u do when u lyk sum1 u lyk 'em. just tell her it makes u feel uncomfortable when she brings it up. and try 2 keep her away 4om ur dad if it's possible, but don't dump her over sumhing lyk this.

  10. If she's talking to you about it, then tell her don't want to know what she thinks about your father. After all, I'm sure she'd not like it if you did the same thing about hers!

    Tell her it makes you feel really uncomfortable and that you don't like it. You shouldn't have to sit and listen or watch that kind of thing. Also, just don't invite her to your house if you think it'd be awkward. You have every right to be comfortable with your friends and if she refuses to listen to you then maybe not talking to her is a better option.

    I hope it works out for you, this kind of thing can be hard to deal with.

  11. just tell her up straight if she keeps acting like that that ull dump her

  12. I wouldn't stop being friends with her but I would tell her that she needs to get rid of the crush.

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