
My new {full!} school locker!?

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so i finally am getting a full locker this year! i want it to be totally awesome, but i'm also an organization freak! so today i went shopping and got a white/cork board/ mirror combo, a medium sized mesh wire bin, another mirror, tons of magnents, and 2 shelves for the bottom. so i need to know how to decorate it. like stuff you wouldn't normally think of. decorations, things that come in handy, etc. also, how do you discretly hide 'girl stuff' if ya know what i mean! any GOOD help is sooo appreciated!




  1. i really wouldnt worry about how to decorate your locker since your classes dont occur at your locker and you rarely spend a lot of time at it  

  2. Wow that's cool that you did this...I never was this ambitious.  I would add like pictures of family members, pets, magazine cutouts you like.  Always have pens on hand, incase you forget to bring one.  And always keep it locked because my school, people would take stuff from lockers if it was unlocked.  In terms of girl stuff, keep it in your purse or backpack during the day.  When you need to use it, just bring your purse with you.  Some stores even sell little cases for stuff like that that you could put it in.

  3. To hide girly stuff, a supply box works well.  

  4. wtf... its a d**n locker...jesus

  5. I know it might seem cool or whatever to have a bunch of decorations for your locker but don't over do it. Like all the stuff you have now is fine (I hope it all fits) maybe you could use the magnets to hang up pictures but you really don't want to overload your locker. If you do then there is no room for the stuff that should be in there. When you think about it you only have the locker for a year so like painting it neon green, taping the colorful tissue paper stuff,etc is kinda a waste of time if you are gonna throw it all away.

    As for "girl stuff" I never really had a supply in my locker, I mostly kept it in my backpack. But I think the same applies. I would put mine in a small bag, kinda like the things you see people carry makeup in when they travel, then I'd stash it in the back. Way in the back where I was sure it wouldn't fall out or get lost.

  6. i am getting a full locker this year too, the lockers at my school are really small if they are small at ur skool too then try not to put alot of  extra stuff in it cause ur bags might not all fit that is usually my problem last year my bag was really hard to get in and out and i dont put alot extra stuff in it

  7. well, remember not to focus 100% on how your locker looks!

    you have to combine your organizational and creative skills!

    for instance, if you have binders instead of folders and notebooks, you can decorate the binding thing with cool cut out letters spelling out your class name, and on the front you have wacky pictures that may or may not have anything to do with the class!

    i suggest just carrying your girl stuff around with you at all times in case you dont have time to run to your locker.

    well, good luck organizing your new full locker!

    have a great school year!

  8. Ok first off I will I tell you... never over do it!!! Last year I had to figure that out the hard way by decorating my whole inside locker with wrapping paper and a glass mirror that broke! But yea, magnets are always a fun cute and easy way to decorate your locker especially if you have a lot of pictures to hang up. Speaking of pictures... if you want to put pictures in your locker you can buy a roll of magnets that you can cut to your own length and has a sticky back that you can stick to your pictures... voila, picture magnet! Or you can take colored posterboard and cut it to the right size with scrapbooking scissors that have fun edges and glue your pictures onto it, instant picture frame! Make sure to get a magnetic cup thing that you can put extra pens, pencils, highlighters etc in. You can buy a cute medium sized makeup bag that you can store your pads/tampons in and put it in your purse or backpack, that way if the contents of your bag spill and go flying... your girl stuff wont be all over for everybody to see! I hope your locker looks good whatever you decide to put in it!

  9. draw cool staff on a piece of paper and post it on your locker put some of your pictures and colorful magnets that should look awesome. I do that every year for my locker.  

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