
My new hamster has bumps on his back??

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I just got this hamster (a syrian) like three days ago and I had him out recently. I noticed that he has a bump on the lower part of his back sorta by his legs. Then I noticed he had one across his back on the other side, so it seems like they are directly across from each other. They aren't any particular color, just pink, the color of his skin. They aren't very big either but it worries me.

great answers would be appreciated!

best gets the 10 points!




  1. did you get him from petco or petsmart? because most, if not all, of the animals there are ill because are not taken care of properly.

  2. it sounds like a tumor.  take him to the vet.  he may need surgery to get it removed, but the fee is better then losing a hammie to possible cancer.

  3. I ve had 6 hamsters and 2 died from tumers so you should watch for that. but the way you described the bumps im not sure.

    get them cheeked out by a vet to find out.

    in the mean time see if hes acting normal stuff lik:

    how active he is

    how much he runs

    dose he eat

    is he sleeping a lot

    ect. ect. ect.....


    This is just a thought but if you saw him scratch them they might be bug bites. cheek for bugs (lik nats or something) in the:



    litter / stuffing

    where ever you keep your treats

    or toys

    ect. ect. ect....

    again i dont know if thats a big possibility.

    thats all i hav to say

    good luck and  

  4. awww...congrats!

    ok on to the question lol,

                       i would get that checked out by a small animal vet! that could be a tumor(i think they can get tumors!). it could lead to serious injury and even death! is he acting normal, eating, drinking, sleeping, playing,...ect...


    good luck!! ♥♥

  5. was the hamster in a cafe with othets???

    is it like an abcess or an ulcer?

    if yes this may have been caused by hamster fights

    if there is discharge clean with antiseptic lotion

    if doesn't heal consult vet

    anything else????

    it could be a tumour......

    but if it doesn't seem to be bothering him or hurting him then it should be fine...


    goodluck with your new pet

  6. He could have gotten in a fight when he was at the pet store.  Or he could be inbred.  My best friend in high school gave me two mice who were supposed to be females, but weren't.  One was a male, and they had babies left, right and center.  And since I didn't know what to do, I left the babies in with the mother too long and the babies had babies, and soon enough you could see problems with all of the mice.  Because they had bred so quickly and with each other, they all got tumors and other problems resulting in inbreeding.  It was disgusting.  Needless to say, they all died pretty quick.  I would talk to the pet store and ask them about their breeding practices and if they've noticed any fighting.  Syrian males are extremely violent when they are put with other males, so I'm guessing that he just got in a big fight and got hurt.  Just keep on eye on the bumps and if they get bigger or worse, take him to the vet.  Call around to see which vet in your area has extensive knowledge in small animal care.  I know it sounds drastic for an inexpensive pet, but I'm sure you love him and want the best for him.

  7. Oh no! Did you get water on him?  Did you feed him after midnight?  Any minute now, those little bumps are going to shoot off and grow into more hamsters!

    Or wait.. maybe I'm thinking about Gremlins..

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