
My new job starts July 21. Since I am paid twice a month (15th and last day), when is the first paycheck?

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My new job starts July 21. Since I am paid twice a month (15th and last day), when is the first paycheck?




  1. the 15th for the 21st through the last day of the month

  2. Most likely Aug 15 for the period Jul 21-31. Standard practice is a 2 week delay to give accounting time to process the paycheck.

  3. Check with your boss to be sure.  Usually there a delay between the end of a pay period, the payroll being processed, and the checks being issued.  Most likely you will not get paid at the end of the month, or a very small check for a day or two or work.  The check on the 15th should be a large one for the days from the previous period and the most recent  period.  Then the checks should be the regular amounts.

  4. It really depends on when payroll is turned in.  I would guess you will be paid on August 15th, but you get a small check on the 31 of July.  I would think payroll would be turned in on the 28th of July, which would have you get a paycheck for the 21 - 25.  Just ask them when they turn in payroll.

    good luck at your new job

  5. Ask your employer. It could be July 31, if they can get you into the system fast enough; or it could be Aug 15, in which case you'd be paid for 3 weeks on that check.

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