
My new kitten has worms...

by Guest60606  |  earlier

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And I have to wait a week before a can take him to the vet. I have another cat in the house, and I want to make sure that the kitten doesn't spread the worms to her. I'm keeping the kitten quarantined in my bedroom, with his own litter box, but will that be enough? Is there any over the counter de-wormer that is safe for kittens? Thanks in advance.




  1. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!  You don't know what KIND of worms your kitten has, and some OTC meds are toxic to small kittens.  Your SAFEST route is to take him to the vet for a checkup when you are able.  That way, the vet will have a record of the kitten and what he has.  If he's a young one, he probably needs his immunizations, too!

    So, be a good "mom" and do the right thing for him....Good luck.

  2. that will be fine just make sure they dont share a litter box and wash your hands after handling him.

    the OTC dewormer does NOT work well, best to just use whatver your vet gives you!

  3. Please do not use the OTC wormers for your kitten.  Different wormers kill different types of worms and unless you can positively identify the type your kitten has, you would be just wasting your money and giving him chemicals he does not need.

    Keeping him quarantined with his own litter box will work until you can get him to the vet.  Many kittens have worms, it is normal.  

    Giving the proper dewormer is part of the kitten wellness exam he will receive on his first visit.  The vet will also give you a dose to give him two weeks after the visit.  This dewormer is a liquid, the color and consistency of pancake batter.  Kittens don't mind it, it apparently has a pleasant taste.

    Purrs to you and kitten.

  4. i am glad you are taking the cat to the vet that will be the best. try to keep them separated in different rooms until then and don't allow them to share a litter pan until it's clear of worms. gl.

  5. yes...hartz dewormer works great and may get rid of them completely without taking him to the vet. there are other ones as well. also when you give him the wormer he will p**p nothing but worms the first fews times so dont panic when you see that. its just his body geting rid of them  just check the pet eisle at the market and ask someone what type of wormer works best. and please make sure you sterilize anything the kitty has touches cause worms can be passed to humans as well.if the over the counter doesnt work take him to the vet

  6. yes you can buy an otc  de -wormer for your kitten just make sure you check the weight of the kitten and don't give him too much

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