
My new neighbours of last year ,have currentley accused me of moving a boundary fence , smoking them out E.T.C

by  |  earlier

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i was cleared on the boundary issue , E.H . approved my flu , he then reported my family and i to the police for dealing class A drugs , for which my house was raided , none found obviusly and now hes taken to boxing my car in . im a big fellow and would love to bop him ,unfortunately not construtive atall ,any advice on putting a stop to this harassment ,leagally and decently would be appricated




  1. Start a diary of his harrassment, the contact your local ASBO officer (The Police  or local council should give you the number) and take photos of him blocking your car.

    When all fails paper bag full of c**p on fire on his doorstep, ring bell LEGGIT!!

  2. i had this problem with the local bussy body... He is the head of the tennants association for our area and allways winghing to the local paper about kids playing football etc etc ... we lived in the property next to him for 2 years and i swear blind we were never any bother ever. we had a young boy and we dont drink or throw parties and then out of the blue we had complaints for running an illegal childminding agency, parking my car on the grass verge which was for all of one hour every weekend just to clean it..... the list went on and on untill my grandad came up with the bright idea to open up a file of harrasment with the police... i like you wanted to smash this guy up but I stayed calm and began logging everything this guy done from hanging out of his window watching us coming in and out of our front door to handing police copies of his letters of his lies and aligations!! be polite to the police and invite them into your home... You are a victim so act like one... call the police quoting your file number every single time you feel harrased.. and  let them know its upsetting you and your family... the key is to stay calm and log down everything including times and dates... never utter one single word to your neighbour.. here's the fun part... after about my second complaint the police visited this idiot and warned him that I had opened up a file of harrasment... and victory was mine.... ha ha.. it was sweeeet as h**l too. the local busy body getting a warning from the police.. no more stupid letters, or visits or spying out his window.... the only reason I could think why he began this campaign is because he was jealous that because i sub contract to the council and new a few people behind the scences, I got a garage on a block in our street but his garage was in the next street.. what a scum bag.  good luck

  3. Sadly, as soon as you start talking legal, a s**t like this is highly likely to step up his abuse.

    Difficult to do - but really the only way to sort the problem out (short of moving) is to find out what his agenda is and why he is picking on you.  And the best way to do this - is to make friends with him.

    I KNOW!  I DO understand how horrible this is for you (been nearly there etc.!)

    The other things you can do is get film of him being abusive or difficult and find out where he lived before - and why he moved - at least some of his old neighbours may be able to shed some light on his personality disorder!

  4. What have you done to annoy him, or is he just one of these idiot neighbours? I would suggest trying to talk to him and find out why he carried out his previous actions. Maybe he had justification, maybe he didnt realise and maybe he does just need to feel some 'good news'. If that doesnt work then play according to type and really make his life a misery :~)

  5. Get a solicitor, sue him for harrassement.

    Take pictures when he boxes your car in. Get as much evidence as you can that he's making your life h**l.

    I know how annoying having bad neighbours can be so I sympatise with you.

    There was a case a few months back of this old lady who went to jail for harrassing her neighbours, so don't give up. Whatever you do don't resort to violence.

  6. WOW! What kind of jerks would do that nasty c**p? DUH! Obviously your neighbors. I have no idea what his issues are. Do you do anything to deliberately antagonize him? Do you keep your yard looking neat and cleaned up? ( not that it would be an excuse to treat you like c**p)  but sometimes people are kind of fussy about things like that and it can bring down property values. So it is important to be a good responsible neighbor. Normally I would say to try talking to him to see what his beef is (but in this case it sounds like he could be the psycho on drugs and I think it has gone too far for that.) I wouldn't really try dealing with it with the police either cause they typically can't do too much. Although there should be a record of the harrasments. I would talk to a lawyer to see about your rights as a homeowner and sometimes just a letter from an attorney can make someone realise just how stupid they are acting. The 100 bucks or so that it would cost may well be worth it. Good luck to you and glad I don't live in your neighborhood.

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