
My new pup still dont like the lead ?

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i keep trying walkin her round the garden but she just sits there.we tried her everyday but she still wont get use to it. she dont like her puppy treats what else can we do




  1. patience is the key =] try some chicken or coachies are always good =]

    and remember keep the training sessions short pups only have a 5 min attention span  

  2. Puppies and collars and leads are not natural.  So you have to work at this one.  First off, how old is this puppy?  She needs to get to the point that her attention isn't on the feeling of being restricted.  Put a collar, a suitable puppy one, light weight, on her first of all.  She will sit and scratch it like mad, but take her attention away from it (toys, food, taking her somewhere new and exciting).  After she has learnt that nothing terrible is going to happen with the collar on (in fact quite the reverse ..... Walkies!! lol) you can attach a light lead.  Note, attach.  Just let her run around with it on, at her pace - in play (watching she doesn't get caught up on anything of course).  This should go on until she's quite happy to have it trailing around with her.  Then you move on to actually picking the lead up and encouraging her forward.  This should be done not via the lead, but via your hand and voice, and probably food treats.  When she moves foward, let her know how pleased you are with her.  All the time taking her attention away from the actual lead feeling.

    But you should not be doing any of this in a hurry.  And of course, assuming she's had all her shots if she goes off your property.  I'd say take her to the kerb on the collar and lead, and just stand there and let her look at the big wide world (traffic) for a few days or so, and then carry her back indoors.  Lots of praise.

    Hope this helps a bit.

  3. When you first put a leash and collar on your puppy, she probably resisted and maybe even sat and refused to budge. Later, as she got used to the leash, she may have started pulling, stopping, or turning suddenly. All dogs need lessons in good leash behavior. They are not instantly instilled with these skills just because you put a collar and leash on them.

    Here's a good link that can help you and your pet get over his dislike on the leash. Goodluck!

  4. all you can do is keep trying. i have a puppy just like that in the end when i popped out i took him with me but just carried him so he would get used to the noises and different people coming up to have a stroke. dont give up you puppy will get there in the end. good luck

  5. Hi , Pulling and tugging her obviously is not a solution either , all you can do is keep praising her and keep trying. Or maybe you can do as I did with my girl. She was a breeze. She just did as my two boys did she didnt want to be left behind.  If you have a friend with a dog can you ask them to come around and walk them togeather? Your pup should follow the others dogs lead (pardon the pun) and watch and learn.  

  6. Best thing to try is a harness. A lot of puppies hate the conventional collar and lead. The harness is more natural for them as they can move their heads without hurting their neck. Definitely worth a try. Once she's had her last puppy vac, take her to a park where there are lots for her to see and explore and she will be so busy trying to take it all in she won't notice the harness. Patience is all that is needed. Good luck.

  7. wow, well my dog loves treats and thats how i got her to walk on the lead.

    anyway i think the other way would be, in your garden, just put the lead on and show her its on then leave the leash, dont hold it, walk away and start clapping ur hands and telling her to come here, once she knows she can move with the lead it will slowly move on, once she moves to u, pet her, make a fuss, or mayb just a treat if she'll eat it.

    then later put a rock on the end of the leash (where ur hand is suposed to be) and just let her run around with it so she knows there will be some weight there.

    then try picking up the leash, slowly it will come. my pup has been with me for 1 and a half weeks and she is stuborn sometimes still but she walks with me.

  8. just keep trying, try taking your puppy out on to the pavement and try walking her there.

  9. Try using A toy

    remember she Is Still young you cant Expect Much from a young Pup Give her time she May grow more  Mature And Learn to Walk With you give her time she Is Only Young!

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