
My new rat? its afraid of me?

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a got new rats they wer up for adoption soo i said to my mum why not get thoes she said a dont care as long as thay dont get out so wwe brang them home and i held the cream one it wasent afraid soo my other one its soo afaid i cant touch it its soo hard learing hur help




  1. When did you get it?

    If you just got it then, being afraid is expected.

    Make sure you handle the rat a lot, and take good care of it.

  2. It's a new rat.It takes a couple weeks for it to get used to you.It won't get used to you right away.Be patient.

  3. They need time to settle into their new surroundings. It will take a while for them to warm up, just keep handling them. More tips and information on trust training:

  4. usually if there is an animal that is afraid of a human then its because its history is a bad experiance because it probably was abused or if that is not the case then it is because it is a new born or it might need some time to readjust so the only thing here is TIME TIME TIME its the only posible answer

  5. She's probably just shy and afraid of you. I think that if you show her that you are friendly (feed her treats by hand and show your other rat to her in you hand), then she will probably learn to trust you. Rats are really friendly creatures and they should open up to you.

    Good luck and I hoped this helps!

  6. different rats have different personalities, just be patient and the shy one will become more confident with you

    :) enjoy them

  7. Some new rats are more leary of ppl than other rats. I read a great article on trust training new rats and it does help. Mine are living proof. Go to Then look to the left and click on rat info, scroll down to behavior and click on trust training frightened rats. Its a good and imformational read. Debbie the rat lady is a genius when it comes to stuff like this.

  8. The first thing you should do is buy a rat book. One that I would reccommend would be "Rats: Practical, Accurate Advice from the Expert". It's by Debbie Ducommun and it's very helpful. If it's not avalible where you live, just order it online at

    Anyways, you should have your rats get used to you by offering food to them.

    Also, don't pick them up, since, yes, they are afraid of you. You should let them come out of the cage when it feels like it. Open up the cage door, and let her sniff your hand. If she does, then you can reach out to stroke her.

    Try to get her use to your voice, and smell. Then allow her to come out of her cage. Do not grab her.

    This may take a while, but if you consistently grab a terrified rat, she'll become a shy and timid rat for the rest of her life.

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