
My new rat .. what do you think bout this pic?

by  |  earlier

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her name is strawberry.




  1. I think she's absolutely adorable. I think she also needs a same s*x friend (rats are far too social to keep alone), a proper cage (aquariums are poorly ventilated and rats have enough respiratory issues as it is), and a sold wheel (wire ones are not safe).

    I have a website on rat care here:

    Edit: Great to know, now all you need is a proper cage :).

  2. very cute!!!!

  3. she looks cute. i have a rat too. except he's hairless. and his name is rex. they make really good pets.

  4. She is ADORABLE! I agree with the other guy about getting her a friend to play with. Make sure it is around the same age as her too, so that they don't fight. Congrats on the cutie!

  5. she is very very cute but her eyes look wierd sorry tosay that but its true.

  6. naww she looks the same as my female rat named Tasha!

    but do ou have a flash o that camera? if so take it off because it hurts there eyes.

    other wise shes adorable! =]

  7. Looks like you got yourself a beutiful rat :)

  8. awww she is sooooo cute :) i have an albino rat too :)

  9. awwww, she's so cute!! my parents wont let me get a rodent for a pet. they get too freaked out. but, i'd get a hamster, and name is LooLoo!

  10. She looks adorable and I'm not a fan of rats.  I have a phobia to them.  Although her eyes are freaking me out because they are so red.  Maybe it is just the camera making them red.

  11. She's adorable!

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