
My new relationship???

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Hi my name is ryan and i live in Pa. I am 18 yrs old. Two weeks ago i started dating this girl but she is only 15 yrs old. Another thing is we live three hours apart. Do u think its ok for the age difference and the distance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!




  1. Honestly, I don't think this is a good idea.  

    Do her parents know that she is seeing an 18-year-old?    In the eyes of the law, you're an adult.  She is a minor.

    The distance doesn't concern me.  It is the fact that she is 15 years old.  Even with consent from her parents, it is still a problem.  

    You're better off finding someone your own age.  

  2. Age difference is usually not an issue, but age difference AND distance equals problems, i know because i have been there many times (i am now 24) but i have been there at the age of 15, 17, and 20...will not work, especially with the young mind of a 15 year old can try but one of you will end up hurt guaranteed...not being negative, just realistic...good luck.

  3. do you like her?  It sounds like your not even that crazy about her if you are actually asking this question.....I think you're trying to find an excuse to not like her, personally.  I mean I wouldn't "do" anything with her since you're 18 and she's underage, it would be illegal, but as long as you're not in this for the wrong reasons, it should be fine!

  4. if u really like each other then i think u can make it work

  5. the age difference is ok as long as no one is forcing the other to do anything...

    the distance could be a little harder though unless you can drive over and see each other..

    but other than that if your love is strong enough then your relationship can survive!
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