
My new toilet have very weak flush?

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I just bought and installed a glacier bay toilet (1.2 gallon) and now I don't like it because of very low pressure flush.

What do I do now? Do i have to replace the whole thing or can I just replace the tank? (with 1.6 or more)




  1. Try holding down the handle when you flush - it will keep flushing until you let go of the handle, rather than stopping with just 1.2 gallons. Simple, and it works!

  2. those water saver toilets are a hassle.  

  3. The brand Toto is the best to buy.  because of the size of the hole in the bottom of the tank, the toto pushes more volume in less time.  Sorry, you have to replace the whole thing.  You will find the best results this way.

  4. It's not just the tank.  I bet you spent $99 for the tank and bowl together.  Cheap toilets like this are usually of a bad design and will never work properly.  A well designed tank/bowl combination will not have a weak flush but tend to cost more in the range of $250, but they will work and not clog on every little thing.

    To test if your drain line is OK, fill a bucket with a gallon of water and pour it straight down into the center of the bowl as fast as you can.  if the drain line is clear the toilet will have a strong flush with the characteristic gurgling at the end as the siphon action is broken.

    More than once I have taken out a toilet where the water just swirled around and around and around and finally went nowhere.  A quality replacement solves the problem.  Cheap in toilets is not better.  Fifteen years ago when low-flush toilets hit the market there were serious design flaws, resulting in clogging and the need for multiple flushes, which defeated the whole point.  Todays models are much better and suffer from none of the old problems, which still persist only in the $99 "builders specials".

  5. All toilets sold today are required to work that way. It's not the amount of water in the tank but the height of the water that gives it more pressure. Adjust the float inside the tank to give you a higher water level. If it's a float on a long rod, bend the rod upward a little at a time until the water comes up high enough. If the float goes straight up and down you can adjust it with a s***w located above it. The floats shut off the valve letting the water in and the adjustments allow the float and the water level to rise higher before shutting off the water.

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