
My new work-Opinions appreciated?

by Guest60801  |  earlier

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Sorry, first version wasnt the right one. In a bit of a spiral right now and wrote this rant/poem

Exhume the past,

refresh the present,

and destroy your future.

Rinse and repeat.

It couldn’t be simpler.

See past the shroud,

and tear it apart.

Explore the gaping,

it’s not that hard,

to fall so far.

You’ll be rewarded.

In newfound weakness.

Feelings of self doubt-

With no sense of purpose,

and a wisp of uncertainty

that none of it matters.

Endless mucked sheets

gross mind polluters,

taking up space,

where it doesn’t deserve it.

It doesn’t mean anything,

To anyone, anyway

I’m done




  1. Alas, living life looking backward really does destroy the future.  The only way to escape from the torture of self doubt, and all the rest, is to live in the moment. Dwelling on the past really does give one a sense of uncertainty that "it doesn't mean anything, To anyone, anyway".  To keep dreams alive, you must have an eye on the future as well.  Very very provocative poem.  It really got me thinking.  The imagery is very visual and hard-hitting.  Thank you.

  2. dont bring me down -to late gj

  3. I happen to think rants are needed once in a while, they help us to shake off the effects of potentially damaging emotion.  Few can write a rant this well.  Thank you for sharing this.

  4. I have to agree with Galactica about the one line and loved what Amy had to say! This poem does relate to me and sure to many others!! Keep them coming!!!  Cheers!!

  5. "Hi!",

    just a suggestion L3 take out (and)...

    I love this poem. I am one of those people who dwell to much on the past as well, It's been part of my depression for so long.

    Purely dwelling on the what could of been than the what is.

    rediculous really. I hadn't had a bad past.

    You did really good on this poem.


    Cheers : )

  6. Thanks for this wise poem.

    Forgetting the past, is one of the problems I seem to have in my life.

    It`s takes me a long time to get over things, especially a broken heart, and broken trust.

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