
My newborn has diarrhea, HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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she is 18 days old, and in the past 36 hours she has had diarrhea. 5 loose stool, and one that had no substance to it at all. I am a first time mommy, and this makes me very nervous. I called the dr last night, and they said that it was something to be concerned about, so i am calling for an appointment tomorrow morning. The only thing that has changed for her is going from ready to eat formula to the powder mix. Is there anything i can do for her?? Should i just take her to the hospital?? She also went from eating 3 oz to only 1.5.




  1. Hospital, babies of this age dehydrate too quickly to take any chances.  

  2. please take your little baby to the hospital. A baby will get dehydrated a lot faster than an adult. But if you cant get her to the hospital go to the store and get her pedilght it works the same way that gatorade does. You don't want her to lose electrolytes. I hope this was some help to you, good luck.

  3. Yes take her to the ER, especially since you said shes not eating as much now.

    Signs of dehydration is:

    Lethary- sleeping to much, sleeping through feedings, wont wake for feedings, hard to wake up

    Not alot of wet diapers, or no wet diapers for more than 6 hours.

    The soft spot on top of her head, if its sunken in then she is dehydrated.

    ..I really hope shes alright!

  4. they can get dehydrated very want to avoid that and the hospital will treat her can take hours yo get very sick...go now and ghood luck.

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