Yesterday at around 5pm my cat had her kittens, (she must have already been pregnant when i took her in, she is a rescue cat & will be neutered asap!!)
She had 4 healthy strong kittens, there is no other cats or any predators (other animals in my house) and she has a perfect quiet suitable area that she chose herself to have them and nurse them.
everything was fine and i looked in on them from a distance, she is nursing them all beautifully.
she is around 9 months old herself which is quite young.
Anyway this morning i looked in and one of the kittens (the first born) was dead. It looked a bit squashed, is it possible the mother cat accidentally did this? i thought the mother cats only do this if there is something wrong with the kitten but the kitten was just a bright and healthy as the other ones if not more so.
I am really stumped as to what happened and sad about it too.
Is it possible for the mother cat to accidentally lay down or sit on a kitten causing smothering?