
My newspaper delivery is horrible, its late if my paper shows up at all, they refuse refund on subscription?

by  |  earlier

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what do i do?

I already paid for my newspaper 1 year in advance and even included a $40 pre-paid tip to the newspaper delivery.

I am lucky if I recieve my paper 3 days a week, and when I do get it, its either wet, or on the road where cars run it over.

I called and complained and they refuse to refund me, on credit me by adding to the subscription instead.

I told them I want to cancel and my money, plus tip refunded,, they refuse!

Don't the newspaper delivery service understand if they have fewer customers they make less money?




  1. call the home office again!! the people delivering the paper get in trouble when they have to many complaints... i know!

    ask them what time you should receive your paper by & who to call if you have not gotten it a certain time because most places they are to all be delivered by a specific time!

    as far as your tip... i'm sure your delivery person never recieved it but that doesn't really matter you pay for your paper it should be delievered everyday by a specific time so call & ask for someone in charge they will get the problem fixed... tell them you want it next to the your garage & you will call every time its wet or damaged!!! the paper is probably having problems keeping their drivers with the gas prices up & you are getting a different driver all the time... but if you call enough they will fix your problem! good luck

  2. Depends on how you paid for the subscription, if you used your credit card, you may be able to use them to get some or all of your money back. Also, write to the editor explaining how upset you are with them on the delivery. Also, if your person expects to get a gift for a holiday (they do around us), don't give one, because obviously they aren't earning it. But I would check with my credit card company. Also, keep calling and complaining, remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  3. In the UK they would have to pay you back and I'm sure it would be similar where you live.

    I can't understand why you would pre-pay a tip or even pay in advance for newspapers for that matter.

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