
My niece is getting her own room...but she's too afraid to sleep by herself?

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My niece got her own room yesterday. For the longest time, we haven't had room. She's been sharing a room with her grandparents. But I made a decision to share a room with my sister so she could have her own. Everything went fine. We stayed in her room until she was asleep, then sneaked away to our room to sleep. But three hours later she woke up crying because she was alone and scared. I don't want her to grow up not being able to sleep by herself, because my parents made that mistake with me and my twin. But anyways, what should I do? Stuffed animals don't help, but I really need advice. She's four years old.




  1. Just let her get used to it.Keep the door open and have the lights on.

  2. When you put her to bed. Tuck her in. Kiss goodnight. Tell her where you will be and that you will check on her. example.. I will be in the kitchen. I will come and see you in 2 minutes. Come back in two minutes. Then kiss her and tell her again. I will be in the kitchen I will be back in 5 minutes. Then after 5 minutes go into the room. Do not walk over to the bed and say. I'm just checking that your OK. Then go in after about 10 minutes but do not say anything, maybe adjust her blanket.  It may take a week or so.

    This is a good weening technique. She will learn that because she is in the room by herself doesnt mean that she is alone. You need to be careful not to run with every cry or whenever she calls. Instead of a nightlight try a flash light. This way she can control the light and what she can see. That way if she needs to go to bathroom she can take the light with her.

    Good luck! Be Strong.

  3. That's normal for four years old. I didn't sleep alone in 16 years. But when now I'm 16, and have my own room, I can sleep alone.

    Maybe she's afraid because of ghosts, monsters, or the dark or something, let her pray every night.

    Ask her why she's afraid. If it's because of the window, then cover it. If it's the mirror, then cover it as well.

  4. My little girl was the same the only way i could get her to staying her own room was to let her do it up the way she liked so it was a place she wanted to be. and i gave her a teddy that was mine and told her he would look after her and she didn't need to be scared i would put on her lamp read her a story it took a couple of days but hang in their she will settle after a while

  5. I had the same problem as a child. It helped when my parents left the hall light on for me - so maybe getting her a night light would work. Also, I slept better when one of my parents sang to me or read me a bedtime story before tucking me in.

  6. leave a night lite

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