
My niece wants a cell phone?

by Guest56260  |  earlier

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My niece, Marcella, is 15 years old and wants a phone called the RAZOR or whatever. She is very truthful and honest and is *luckily* not a klutz. She walks home every day with her 3 friends.

Should I get her the RAZOR for an upcoming event?

She has never had a cell phone before and please note she is not a spoiled kid, she usually buys her luxury items (iPods, PalmPilot) with her own money.

I figured this would be a good treat, wouldn't it?




  1. If she`s a good and responsible girl, I say yes go for it.

  2. Buy a trac-fone and shove it up her *** cause they are cheaper :) and nobody even cares if you lose it =P

  3. yes and the fact that she walks home is a good reason to get her one. anythign could happen and you wouldnt know

  4. Yes the phone as a gift is a great idea but these phones can get a lot more expensive then just the price of the phone, and it is the "in" thinng right now, but wait a couple of months and there will be another even more cool phone on the market that everybody has. I say compromise here, get her a cell phone, but try a pay as you go store bought phone, they arent as fancy but serve the same purpose and some also do have cameras on them, a good selection of ringtones, flip up, ect. and will save a TON of money! BUt then again, if money is no issue here then go ahead and get the razor.

  5. Ask her parents if it would be ok, then get her a pay as you go phone (think thats what you also call then in america, it is in the UK). It would make a great present & she sounds like she knows how to respect these kind of things & not miss use them.........If her parents say yes, then I would go ahead & buy her it, but always ask the parents first! As long as no-one is landed with a bill I dont see why it would be a problem!

  6. this is a easy question. I say u should get her the cell phone called a razor. this phone is pretty popular phone for people in high school. also for another reason it sounds like your niece is a very nice girl and if she is then she earned it. :) trust me.

  7. I think it would be great for her! And doing it at an event would be a good feeling for her. When I was about that age my parents got my a cell phone as well but I had to contribute to the bill- not money since I didn't have a job- but help out more around the house and whatnot. If she wants to help out that would be great!

    Oh! reading it again... if she doesn't live with you then ask her parents first and figure out who would be taking care of the bill each month...

  8. Stop and think about this...if she wants a phone, WHO is going to pay the monthly bills? Kids have no idea how much these phones cost when they spend hours a day text messaging back and forth...AND as 'minors'...THEY cannot get the contract for the phone-it must be an ADULT. So if the kid doesn't give you her monthly bill amount, guess who gets tagged by a collection agency?

    How many times have you watched kids walking, driving, shopping, even standing around in groups...but ignoring EVERYTHING around them so they can talk and/or text someone else. RUDE and obnoxious...we hate it when traveling public transportation (bus, train, etc.) and they are all yakking on the phones so loud...WE have to talk louder to be heard over them. And if we get real annoyed-we start ANSWERING the questions we hear them asking-especially in restaurants when you are trying to have a quiet meal. THAT gets them bent out of shape-but THEY are causing the problem!

    If she really wants one-LET HER PARENTS DEAL WITH IT...not you! Because (as Judge Judy explains everytime)...YOU give it to her-then YOU pay the bills!

  9. Sounds like she's a responsible young lady and will love the gift from you.  I'm getting my 14 year old nephew a cell, but I'm getting him one of the ruggatized ones that can withstand getting dropped a little better. I'm also adding him to my family plan.  You will have to explain how the charges work so she can keep track of the minutes she's using and not go over for her plan.  Many of the new phones also have the chaperone feature which sounds like it may be a helpful safety feature.

  10. no, the razr is a contract phone with a regular bill, any kid with  a cell phone needs a track phone or  other pay as you go program so they cant run up  a bill, and if you choose you can make them earn their minutes.

  11. Get it for her, she will ♥ it!! I ♥ it and it's so cool!

    It has a sleek and cool design

    Camera & video capturing

    SIMS card

    And can be pre-paid!

    Buy this phone and she'll be very happy!

  12. Seems like all kids now days have cell phones its a right of passage I think.A cell phone can be good for safety also,if your worried she will go over her minutes try a pre-paid thats what we did for my neice it taught her to be mature about using her minutes wisely.And she does chores to earn money for her cards for minutes so its good for her on all levels..She is learning,and sorta doing it on her own so she feels good and proud about it.Go ahea ddo it she will love it

  13. She is the right age, its a fairly expensive phone. Who's going to pay the monthly bill?

  14. Get her the phone if it's what you want to do and of course if it's not an issue for her parents.  15 will be 25 in the blink of an eye. Why not treat them now and them while you have the chance. (in moderation of course).  Obviously your neice has a great head on her shoulders and if she has been buying the other things herself, I think the cell phone would be a really nice gesture and is very sweet of you to want to buy it.  : )

  15. yes yes yes yes yes

    make sure that she or her parents are the ones paying for service not you

  16. Who is going to pay for the service?

  17. Warning!  The Razr LOOKS cool, but it's a fragile phone, and breaks very easily.    My daughter (age 17) has one, and it looks like it's been through the mill.    

    Does her mom mind if you get her this?    You might want to check with her before spending the money.

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