
My niece was raped! how do i cope! she is only 12 and was raped by some asians that were in theirmid 20's

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My niece was raped! how do i cope! she is only 12 and was raped by some asians that were in theirmid 20's




  1. i was raped when i was 8 by my uncle, drunk parents partying not paying attention, and it still scares me today, and its 6 years later.

    and looking back, the only thing i needed was lots of hugs.

    just be there for her, tell her u love her

    it rele isnt about you coping, its about her coping with it,

    im so sorry this happened, i know exactly what shes going throw.  

  2. What do you mean how do YOU cope? You need to focus on HER.

  3. What does it have to do with you? let her and her parents deal with it it's none of your do YOU cope? really? YOU?

  4. I have to agree with the other comment.  You are making this about you and it's not.  You need to support her and her family.  And the fact that the rapist's were Asian have NOTHING to do with it.  It doesn't matter what color you skin is - there are creeps in every color.  

  5. If she was raped, then its about her, NOT YOU.  

  6. Oh that's so horrible I cant imagine what your going through right now but you and your niece need to stay strong. How awful someone could do that to a child!

  7. Got a baseball bat??

    Because if anyone dared touch my niece's that's what I'd be touching them with.

  8. how do YOU cope? Asians? I don't understand your question at all.  

  9. That is totally dreadful, I am so sorry.  You just have to be there for her, visit and maintain a lot of contact with her.    Listen to whatever she is going through. And get her parents to take het to counselling.  

    What a bunch of animals-. i hope they are found and brought to justice.

    EDITED TO ADD: To those who questioned why she mentioned the race of the attackers I think the attack was POSSIBLY race related.  If it had been one asian on his own, perhaps not.  But as it was a gang of asians, it sounds to me as though they colluded to attack a person of a particular race.

  10. ur joking right? y bring up the asian part? if they were white men would u have stated that? probably not. i m not sure if this story is true or not, but if iit is u should get some help on ur racial ignorance.

  11. How do YOU cope??? Sorry but the question you should be asking is how do i help HER cope. You really need to go to some counselling where other families have been in the same horrible position and learn from them, see if you can work from there, maybe suggest the same thing to your niece as it may help her.

  12. Vote BNP

  13. you selfish person. no. How dare you say " How do I cope". Was it you who got raped? NO it wasn't.

    and how dare you post this on here, what you niece must think if she seen this?

    she doesn't want the full world knowing and you just told us all

    it has nout to do with you, your only the aunt, not her mam, not her dad.

    go say sorry to her, and show her this and she will will not be too pleased you have told the full of yahoo about her

    shame on you

  14. Hi,

    I sorry to hear your niece has gone through this.

    Her parents will help her to cope with this as will counselling sessions. She will experience a whole range of emotions.

    This is not about you, it about her.

    All you can do is just be there if her parents need to talk ect.

    Also hun I struggling to know why you had to make a thing about the race of these guys. Asian, white, chinese, ect what does it matter?

    Fact is she was raped and it race does not play a part in that.

    Make sure you there for her when she needs you.


  15. Uh POLICE!!!!! NOW!!! IM NOT KIDDING CALL THE POLICE, that is no JOKE AT ALL!!!!!!!!

  16. Aw that Is so d**n sad. I hate guys who rape girls, very sad!!

  17. What does them being Asian have anything to do with it?

  18. My sister was raped by a black man from france when she was 12, the police never did anything except deport him as she left it too late before telling anyone and by that time there wasn't enough evidence.

    i don't understand why people keep asking why you asked how would you cope, because your right this is hard for you too, but in a different way, it's difficult to know how to act around someone who's been raped especially a little girl, and the asian part DOES matter because it were a group of them and this must have been incredibly scary for her as they looked different.

    i would suggest she seeks counselling, my sister got no help and went on to behave recklessly because of it.

    As for how you will cope, remember she's still the same girl and all you can do is love her and comfort her, she needs all the support she can get.

    im really sorry for what happened to your neice and i hope she gets through ths horrible time as un scarred as possible.

  19. Shes your Niece therefore her parents should be helping her cope with this .. not you

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