
My nieghbors house is gross and now all the roaches they have are making their way into my home?

by  |  earlier

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First off Its so bad i dont even think a hobo would want to spend the night in this condo, I threw-up in mouth alittle, they just moved and left their door unlocked so I fugged the place with those fogger poison thing and i have sprinled boric acid everywhere, inside the house and out(my place too) they are still around.

Its been a week. How long does it take for all these remedies to work and kill them off for good or do i have to make legal calls and force the association to do something?




  1. I'd do the legal calls and get the association involved.  You've got a big problem and it's most likely going to need professional intervention.

  2. MMT hit the nail right on the can be a health concern, so whoever owns or controls that particular property is responsible to keep it "health ready"

  3. The owner of building has the primary responsibility of exterminating.  Contact your local city hall for the Health & Safety area and report it.

    In the meantime for your own remedy:

    get the Gold (not the regular)

    I used foggers, various sprays, roach motel/traps, Borax (for the boric acid) and even an exterminator.  All of these reduced the population, but didn't eliminate the roaches.  I found that we can now order this stuff online.  I wish I used this first and saved the expense of all the other things.

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