
My night vision is horrible while driving at night. How can I improve this?

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Its been a scary experience for me while driving at night. It may sound crazy because I have been driving for years. But due to my work schedule, I rarely have to drive at night. Now my schedule changed and I have no choice. My night vision is terrible. My eyes seem to be more dry than they are during the day. And the lights on the other cars seem to look like a big blur. Any suggestions or reasons why this may be happening?




  1. See an optometrist.  You probably just need glasses for driving at night.  I have glasses, but the only time I wear them is to drive at night or in the rain, they give me a headache & I don't need them otherwise, but I don't drive at night without them.

  2. You have night blindness! You shouldn't be driving at night with this much difficulty seeing. Get to an optometrist ASAP. Eating carrots (vitamin A) might help a little.  

  3. During the winter months it gets dark earlier and many people find it difficult to drive and stay as aware. Other than keeping your eyewear prescriptions up to date with regular eye exams and actually wearing any prescribed eyewear that you are supposed to, as well as keeping your eyes open while driving, there are several little things you can do to try and improve you night vision.

    On the car itself you can make sure of a few things to help improve your driving vision First, and possibly most obvious, is to clean off the windshield; wipe it down inside and out to make sure your line of vision is not obstructed by clots of dirt or kamikaze bug splatters. You should also adjust your mirrors to eliminate reflected glares. The center rear view can be flipped to the night setting and the side mirrors can be adjusted so that they do not reflect as much of the trailing vehicles lights into your eyes. Also, be sure to dim the lights on the inside console panels of your vehicle. The darker it is within the car the better you will be able to see things outside of the car.

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