
My nightmare: I move to NZ and my boyfriend becomes a teacher then is smitten by a 12 year old?

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I have been entertaining the idea of moving to New Zealand with my boyfriend. He is a year away from becoming a secondary teacher. I have the never ending fear that he might be interested in girls throughout our relationship. I have my reasons, because: he looks too much at 12 year olds when we drive by them. Although men considerme very attractive he seems to not be very interested in me. For example, last night he and I went dancing and we got tired and sat down I wasn't sitting for 2 minutes before a man asked me to dance and my bf was right next to me!

Anyway, my nightmare;

We move to NZ from CA and he becomes a teacher. He begins to talk about a little girl 12, he is teaching. The he starts dressing "young" because she wants him to. more more more of that stuff.

I am not an overreactive person, and my dreams are just dreams, but I had an unusual emotional reaction to this dream. And I feel like I should NOT dismiss it.

Maybe I am missing the point of the nightmare? Maybe it is saying something other than the obvious?




  1. Your dreams are telling you Three Things that are obvious to anyone else but you:

    1- You are unable to see the obvious even when it bites you.

    2- You are too NEEDY and lazy to dump this guy because he is not YOUR boyfriend, he is in love with himself, not You.

    3- Never go to New Zealand.  Stay in California and get a boy who wants to be your friend.  Don't go by looks, go by personality.

  2. This could be a warning from your subconcious that something is wrong with the person you assciate yourself with. 1 out of 3 girls in molested and there was a study done that showed that men molested unlike the magority of women will become a molester. Its scary. If however you are exadurating from fear maybe the dream is just symbolizing the closeness between the two (friendly) some have had dreams were they are intimate with family members when in actuallity it is just symbolizing their closeness (as family) I however discourage you from rejecting the former because of the intensity of this subject and the fact that hes your boyfriend. I would ask him if he was ever molested and if you feel he isnt telling the truth or is avoiding the question , I would suggest taking things to another level.

  3. I think it is interesting that you are saying yourself, "I should not dismiss it". As women we are taught that our perceptions of reality are wrong and we are encouraged or coerced to believe that males have the last word on the truth and on a woman's worth. This propagates an over concern of looks, etc. not to mention a discounting of our own perceptions and intuitions.

    I think you are dismissing your perceptions, you have become domesticated by men. Like an elephant that is tied by twine to a steak in the ground, she does not break free because she has been beaten in to submission of the subjugation.

    Think over what your dreams have told you, your dreams are full of wild wisdom and  undomesticated, dreams are the rosetta stone of living. Your answer is your third paragraph.

  4. I think he wants a break

  5. Well, I would say you are a future teller because I offered you husband a job as a teacher there and I am the female pimp of the little 12 year old!! Sorry for your luck. really though it could have just been a horrible nightmare.

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