
My nine week old kitten is purposefully peeing outside of his litterbox...HELP!?

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My husband and I adopted a kitten from a local shelter a week and a half ago. The shelter estimated that he was around 8 weeks old at the time and told us that he had been brought in with some other kittens found without a mother. We initially kept him locked in our bathroom with his litterbox and used Fresh Scoop litter. He used his litterbox perfectly, however, several times we caught him eating the litter and because of the chemicals we had to switch it. We then tried a pine based pellet litter and he wouldn't even get in the box. Obviously that didn't work. So, I went back to the store and bought a safe wheat based litter. At first he didn't love it, but he's slowly come around to it. He uses it 100% of the time for p**p, but is hit or miss with urinating. He definitely knows where to go and we direct him back to the box whenever we suspect he may need to go (after naps, meals, and sometimes when he meows while we're playing). Gradually we've been bringing him out of the bathroom to play in our room and then our living room and on more than one occasion we have taken him to the box and he has deliberately chosen not to go in the box, but walked straight out and squatted by a wall. Tonight he chose to pee on a towel instead. It appears to me that because he uses his box most of the time for both pee and p**p that he knows where to go, but is choosing not to use his litterbox when he doesn't want to. We keep is litterbox clean (I scoop it in the morning and my husband checks it later in the day and either one of us cleans it out at night). What can I do to help him make the right choice? I've read several post, but nothing seems to be working for him. Thanks for the advice.




  1. If your kitten just isn't using the bathroom in it's litterpan then gently put the cats nose in the cats litterpan so the cat knows that it needs to use the bathroom in the litter pan not on the floor. and if it still does that get it neutred

  2. get him neutered

  3. You may want to take him to the vet just to make sure he doesn't have a UTI.  

  4. kitten is not doing it on purpose. it seems that he really dont like the location of the litter box. they dont like coldish areas to do their business:)

    try moving the litter box to a different area of the house maybe more private where he just gonna smell his scent.

    maybe a hallway or another corner.

    they dont like to be looked at while they doing their business.

    or maybe he just want a fresh litter box all the time you know cats can be so picky at times

    good luck with the kitten


  5. First off you have changed his litter 3 times for you...It is not unusual for a kitten to eat their litter or sleep in it.. by changing it you didn't help either time. He probably doesn't like the way it smells when he pees If the first one was working maybe that is the one you should let him have. Give something to occupy him so he won't play in it.  I have a track ball with a scratcher in the middle. A kitten will love it.  Ping Pong balls too.  

  6.   To be honest it does seem like hes doing it on purpose, but not to be a brat. It would seem hes trying to say he doesn't like the new litter and doesn't want to use it. Try experimenting with different litters. Cats are weird.

       One type of litter my cat will cover up anything he does in his box. Another type of litter, no matter how much is in his box, no matter if my boyfriend and i aren't in the room, he wont cover up, maybe he doesnt like the feel of it around his paws. lol again cats are weird.  

  7. the best option is to go to a vet. it could be medical and even if it isn't vets are trained to know about animals and understand many of the behavioral quirks as well as the physical workings of them. it could be nerves, it could be an infection, it could be time to think about neutering him.

  8. A good method of training is to rub his nose in the spot or spritz him in the face with water when he does it, say NO calmly but loudly, and immediately put him in his litter box. The other posters have good ideas too, so if he is not neutered, get him done, because he might be marking, and if none of this works, get him checked out.

    He should get the hint after a couple of rubs or spritzes, though!

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