
My nine week old son is extremely fidgety ALL the time. Jiggling is the only way to calm him - is this normal?

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My nine week old son is extremely fidgety ALL the time. Jiggling is the only way to calm him - is this normal?




  1. Yeah, as long as you're not shaking him violently.

  2. yep! try using a baby swing. It worked with both of mine!

  3. Fidgety is totally normal at his age - but especially when they are tired and if it's accompanied by crying or grizzling (you say he's not calm) then that's probably what it is (it's one of the classic signs - but don't you wish they would just drop off to sleep when they get tired and not do all these strange things?!). When he just starts to get really fidgety, before he starts to grumble, have you tried putting him down for a nap and settling him while he is lying down with patting or something else he likes? It's just that even though you are not doing the wrong thing, it can keep babies awake to be jiggled when they are actually tired and make the problem even worse. Good luck!

  4. Yep, i have 8wk old twins who are the same!


  5. yes it is a baby, they are all a bit "fidgety" haha. but get one of those little rocking cradles , it would be muchhh easier than jiggiling him haha. but its 100% normal

  6. I have visited many new mums (my work is child and family health).  I have found that fidgety babies have a lot of stimulation around them and do not get enough rest and sleep!  Overstimulation (that is visitors and/or family picking baby up, lots of activity in the house, interfering toddler, lack of peace etc.)  Babies needs a peaceful atmosphere as they are very sensitive to everything that goes on around them.  They need routine and structure - feed at regular times, sleeping approx. 2 and a half to 3 hours at 9 weeks and wind down time!  (like when we come home tired and want to just unwind).  Cuddle and play only after fed well (be relaxed with baby).  Dont continually pick baby up if he/she IS putting on normal weight.  He/she is getting enough milk!  Just leave to SLEEEEEP.

  7. EXTREMELY fidgety could indicate from now that he's hyperactive. Get ready to enrol him in soccer on mondays and wednesdays, swimming tuesdays and thursdays and maybe karate on weekends.

    Dnt worry lol, it's normal.

  8. I have a twelve week old girl she likes to kick her feet and wave her arms around alot, sucks on her fists  - is that what you mean by fidgety? I think it is normal they are discovering their body arms legs ect. Sometimes they are fidgety when tired and rocking will put them to sleep.

  9. For nine months a fetus is jiggled around in utero every time you move, turn over in bed, etc.  All of a sudden he is pushed out into a world where everything is still.  He misses the movement and closeness.  Maybe you can carry him in a sling or baby carrier.  Mothers in 3rd world countries carry their babies close for months after they are born.

  10. I understand completely.  We had twins and one NEVER STOPPED MOVING.  We had ultrasounds every month during the high risk pregnancy - and she was moving EVERY ULTRASOUND!  

    When she was born, she was strong and healthy!  She reached up and grabbed the nurses ID badge.  When she was about 10 weeks old, she had such strong legs, she could stand with me hanging on to her body.  She walked at 9 months and has been moving constantly every since.  That said, here's what I think:

    My suggestions from experience:    Swaddle if you can (this helped lots).  Use your hand or another weighted object over (like small pillow type thing) to help her feel safe.    Swing helped (but it had to be the side to side one).  One other thing that I eventually discovered that surprised me, try to feed your child again.  Mine wouldn't take the bottle the first time (too impatient) so I wouldn't think that she was hungry.  When I later learned to try more than once with her, it helped her sleep better.  

    Just remember, your jiggling is fine also. I am not putting it down in any way.  It is bonding.  I just wanted to arm you with more info just in case.  I was a very neurotic new mom and so I feel for other new moms!  God's best to you!

  11. I'm not sure if you are referring to your child as actively moving or fussy.  If he's fussy it could be a case of collic.  It will pass in time but it can make you very exhausted.  Some children are just more naturally active and prefer to be held all the time.  Try putting him in a swing.  That always worked for my son.  He liked the motion.

  12. My 1st child was so active she would move constantlty from the day she was born. I would swaddle her for bed and within an hour she would manage to get unwarpped. All babies are different. He probably just enjoys movement when you rock him that is why he settles. If he is colicy that would make him fidgety as well but that will settle down.

  13. yep. this sounds like my baby. she is 9 months old and still doing this, only now its more then ever. there is a nickname for children like that.....WiggleWorm!

  14. My son is 12 weeks and is very fidgety... everyone who holds him says that. He's been this was since 6 weeks... I think it's normal... I'm told its an indication he'll be in to everything... put the kid safe plugs in the sockets.. they'll be moving around soon!

  15. I believe it is perfectly normal.

  16. They fidget because they still have the startle reflex... When the baby was in the hospital they swaddle them so they are calmer and don't fidget so much... If you keep your child swaddled more it helps to have a happier less fidgety baby....

  17. yes, thats completely normal. you have absolutely nothing to worry, rocking and jiggling is soothing for infants.

  18. a lot of babies like to be moving all the time- when they are in you they are constantly swaying around, and having heart beat, breathing and digestion noises and vibrations, it is probably just comforting to him being that it is what he knows. My daughter could not get enough of being moved about and moving herself in any way she could figure out, she is a very active 1 year old now, but grew out of the fidgeting as soon as she learned how to move in more functional ways. Have you tried swaddleing him to calm him, for the first couple months that was also very soothing to my baby- if you don't know what it is or how to do it, I am sure there are tons of sites that will show you, it is just bundleing them pretty snuggly in a blanket like they were in you, and with the added help of a swing my daughter would fall asleep almost instantly

  19. my son was like that too.   Does he cry a lot?  or a have a certain time of day that he seems to be doing this?   What is his daily schedule like?

  20. Yep!! don't worry about it - whatever way your child sooths him or herself - let it be.

  21. yeah that OK just don't jiggle him to hard.

    **** luck

  22. IF he seems uncomfortable fidgety, then perhaps just take him to a paedeotrician ( lol i cant spell) to make sure there is not something internal that is bothering him.

    Apart from that, i have heard that children around that age are very active.

  23. Swings and jumpers help a lot.  My youngest is 10 months old and when she gets tired, she will not sit still and let you put her to sleep.  I put her in her jumper and she will hop herself to sleep. It is so funny sometimes because once she realizes she is going to sleep, she starts hopping again, lol.  She puts up a good fight, but sleep usually wins out.

  24. modify your diet.  caffeine goes thru the breast milk.  if there is no change, see the pediatrician.

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