
My nine year old has pimples already, how can i help?

by  |  earlier

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This sucks i have had acne since around 10yrs of age, which i still sometime get, i have had problems and have been on several medication over this time, but now my 9yr old daughter is getting pimples, she has had blackheads on her chin for around 3 yrs and now shes getting pimples, are there any treatments that are gentle as she has sensitive skin and using soap etc have causes eczema. I would hate for her to have to suffer like i have and as it caused me to have low self esteem for years I would like to get it sorted now, any help would be greatly appreciated thanks




  1. this is all normal.

    some kids get it from genes.

    she'll have to start all that mopisturising

    good luck to her


  2. Acne is hereditary, so its not surprising that she is having breakouts now- cause you experienced the same thing when you were her age. Speak to your daughter about how she feels (it may not bother her because she's only 9), but if she feels self conscious about it, there are heaps of things to do to help.

    Diet has alot to do with how your skin is- the old saying "you are what you eat" really does apply when it comes to your face. Eating heaps of fatty and oily foods tends to make the skin worse, so make sure her diet consists of good fats- omega 3 from oily fish (salmon), avacado and nuts are great sources of healthy fats.

    Also, using a chemical exfoliant (like clarifying lotion) removes excess oils and dirt from the skin, and helps to unclog pores. I do this morning and night and it doesn't dry out the skin. I have sensitive skin, and have found that physical exfoliants (that actually scrub the skin) have iritated my skin, so the chemical ones are great. Put a small amount of the clarifying lotion on a make- up removal pad and wipe over the skin. Doing this morning and night should help see results in about a week. I have also heard of products like Proactive, but they can be really expensive if you use them over a long period of time.

    Its important to use a non- greasy moisturiser aswell as the clarifying lotion (or what ever cleaning product you decide to go with), because if you don't replace the moisture on the skin (after you have removed the oil), the skin tends to "fight back" and can actually produce more oil than before.

    It might also be a good idea to speak to your doctor and get his advise.

    Good luck.

  3. I would get her some Clean And Clear. I am 12 and just started getting pimples and just warshing my fac about 2 itmes a week got rid of them for now. i would have her warsh every night to get rid of them. I hope this helped!


  4. maybe she is allergic to something. my friend had that when she was little, and took pills from her doctor, but two weeks ago her mom noticed she had trouble with milk and chocolate, and found out she was lactose in tolerant. so, see a doctor. he'll tell you the best thing to do!!

  5. yeah i feel ya, make her wash her face with warm water and soap every night to bed.... she should avoid touching her face too often, because being that she has sensitive skin, and she's young, she tends to play around a lot so her hand might go to her face a lot even when its dirty.. so that could be a reason. talk to her about this.. if she has long hair, and she adds a lot of grease on it and it touches her face, it could also cause it ( i have a friend who whenever her hair touches her face it cause rashes and acne and that's because she greases her hair ). so warm water and soap wash every night before bed, worked for me.

    also try to see a doctor if the case gets desperate, and he'll have a better remedy.

  6. Acne Free same as proactive don't know the age limit though

  7. Use a gentle exfoliator. I believe Olay makes one that I like. There cleansing pillows with the cleanser already in them. They have a smooth side and one side that gently exfoliates the skin. Use an oil free moisturizer. Neutrogena Acne Prone Skin formula soap works well also. It's very gentle and leaves no residue on the skin. That's what a dermatologist recommended for me at one point. I used it, and it helped. Try Neutrogena on the spot acne treatment for pimples. It is only 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, so is more gentle than some of the other ones. Try the pore cleansing strips for the blackheads. As you know, there is no cure, but some of this might help. Cleansing too much or using harsh cleansers can actually make the problem worse, so be careful of that. My son is five and already getting blackheads right in the middle of his nose since he was three. He occasionally gets a pimple there, too. I can't wait until he's a teenager. That should be a lot of fun. I plan on mentioning it to his pediatrician when he goes for his check up next week. He's awfully young for that, and doesn't really get dirty much - he just doesn't like to.

  8. Take her to a good skin doctor or naturopath and maybe change her diet a little to include lots of water and fresh fruit and vege.. Invest in some really good skin products for her age.

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