
My nine year old will not stop wearing diapers?

by  |  earlier

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she went in for surgery on her bladder then was put in diapers for three months now i can get her out of the diapers what do i do please help




  1. Let her know that she really doesn't need the diapers any more.

    Put a waterproof sheet under her regular sheets.

    Let her know that you will wake her before you go to bed to take her to the bathroom.

    Walk her quietly to the bathroom and have back to her bed.Try this for a week or so.

    After several good nights, have her pick out special big girl underpants as a reward.

    I hope that helped.

    You didn't mention what was wrong with her bladder and if she was always wet upon awakening.She may still need them?

  2. let her wear it until you run out. when she asks for one, tell her you don't have anymore, she doesn't need them, and that they are expensive.

  3. At nine years old, she should be able to express herself adequately to explain to you why she continues to wear them.  I'd sit down, have a friendly conversation with her, then ask her in a non-judgmental way why she's doing it.  I take it she changes herself.  Is she still having trouble with incontinence?  Is she anxious that she might have problems?  Has she gone without diapers at all?  

    If she's still having problems with incontinence (and it's not an expected outcome from the operation), you need to bring her back to the doctor to discuss the issue.  If she's just anxious about having "accidents", maybe you can have her try wearing regular underwear when she's just around the house and prove to her that it's OK and that she'll stay dry.  If the anxiety really seems unreasonable and she doesn't respond to this sort of "experiment", you might want to have her see a child psychologist.

  4. tell her she is a big girl and big girls wear underwear... =o) but make sure u reward her when she goes a day or two wearing underwear!

  5. I think she uses the diapers for security. She probably thinks that she will have an accident from this sugery even though it happened 3 months ago. I think you need to ask your pediatrician and tell her N-O to the diapers in a comforting way. Buy her a little something because when you take something away, it makes them feel better to give them a little something back. Best Wishes! God Bless!

  6. Don't be afraid to say 'no' to your daughter.  That is what parents do if they care about their children.  Just say you have run out of them and are not going to the shop for any more.  Try this when she is at home for a few days holiday/weekend so that any 'accidents' can be dealt with.  At nine years old she will not want to be ridiculed at school.  It will take a few days and you will have tantrums but stick it out.  Good luck to you.

  7. throw them all in the bin and dont buy any more! she wont have a choice then, i know its tough but shel thank you for it in the long run :)

  8. You have to train her from scratch as if she was a baby again...use an award system..To say she won't stop is not enough, you have to train her.

  9. tell her she will be picked on or get rid of the diapers and show her that underwear are better

  10. this sounds weird but I sucked my thumb until I was nine my mom took me to the dentist and they helped me stop

    maybe at your kids next checkup you should tell his/her Doctor about it, they can help more than me and

  11. You are the parent right?

    Then act like one!

  12. Stop buying them for her and take away the ones she has.

  13. you need to stop providing diapers for her... tell her she will grow a tail if she keeps wearing them.  

  14. Just let her wear em i guess. She's old enough to know what she wants. If you make it a big deal she'll prolly rebell. If you just let her do it she might stop on her own....sorry not much help. Good luck.

  15. You may want to take your daughter to see a therapist. She is obviously afraid that she will wet herself and, if there is no physical reason for her fears then she may be having some emotion problems. Speaking to a professional will help her move past this.

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