
My nine yr old wants to know why the mogolians hated china?

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after watching an episode of south park he asked me if the mongolians hated the chinese ....i am not familiar with any facts regarding their history so i promised to find out the truth for him.




  1. mongols hated the chineese/japanees cause of land chinese had better land then the mongols had that is how it was get land.

  2. I hv no idea of hw to explain.

  3. No Mongolia in china got in a war and the Chinese built the wall.

    The war started because, a chinese woman by the name of s**+-Ting made a house out of clay and built it in mongolia. The local villages raped her with a clay mould and tortured her.

  4. Read Genghis Khan's Biography, I did.  China kept s******g with the Mongols, putting corrupt leaders in charge there (Hey sounds familiar, like the US and the Mideast) and the Mongolians got fed up and under Genghis kicked their azz.  The Mongolians, realizing they were pretty dammed powerful, then went on to take over most of the world.

  5. The Mongolians under the great general Genghis Khan wanted to rule the whole world by beating the armies that would try and stop them. At one point, the mongolian empire extended from china all the way to Europe. The great wall of China was actually built to protect China from the invading Mongolians.

    I hope my answer helped.

    good luck.

  6. Sorry cant help myself with this one....Its because of Rabbits!

    ( If you are in Australia and have seen the add on TV where the boy in the back seat asks his Dad " Why did they build the Great Wall of China" The Dad had no idea, but had to explain it somehow and said " Its because of Rabbits, they wanted to keep the Rabbits out of China". Really funny TV commercial, had something to do with an Internet search engine)

    Really sorry, but seemed fitting in a comical kind of way.

  7. the mongolians were essentially the barbarians of the pacific.  They valued the horse, as the horse gave them everything they would need.  Travel, companionship, milk, even meat and blood when they were desperate.  They lived by the horse.  If they could have built mobile homes they would have been mounted on their horses.

    The mongolians were tribal in essence and Ghangis Khan was the first real Leader of the whole united mongol people.  He did a lot for them as a whole.  The Kahn was followed because he was a strong general and great leader.  China just happened to be in their way of global conquest and the Chinese put up a good fight, the mongols not only wanted to conquer them, they valued them as an enemy and it made their resolve even more stout to defeat them.  Eventually, the mongols turns away from the China area and moved westward across Asia and into Europe.

  8. isnt it cause of territorial dispute..

  9. from what i was taught, the emperor of china at the time (i think it was a bloke called quin chin hong) build the wall to keep them out of the northern provinces that were a lot harder for the army to reach if there was trouble.

    from what i know. the major reason was that the huns and the Mongols wanted to trade with the imperial gorernmenmt but the emperor did not think that the Mongols would keep to their word. the main incentive for the invasion and the raids were to try and collect the resources that they would have traded for by force.

  10. John hit the nail on the head.

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