
My norton antivirus says i need to up date but when i click on it i am up to date, but thn it says it agen?

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My norton antivirus says i need to up date but when i click on it i am up to date, but thn it says it agen?




  1. You have some type of issue which is not allowing the definitions to update.

    Try doing the following -

    1) Try running TrendMicro Housecalls (google it) to see if you have something that Norton is being prevented from seeing.

    2)  Try manually updating Norton by downloading and installing the definitions yourself (They will be on the website... I have to know exactly what product you have to direct you)

    3)  Look in event viewer to see the error that your computer might be getting while trying to update but not telling you in a popup.

    4)  You might not have rights to install the definitions.

    Has it always been like this?  Or did it just start?

    How old are you definitions.

  2. You may have some malware that disables Norton Internet Security.  I suggest you download the free Stinger utility from McAfee and run it in Safe Mode.  Stinger's only purpose in life is to detect attacks on the major A-V programs.  

    It’s so good at it the publisher has had to change its name a few times to keep malware from defending against it.

    Note that Stinger does not take the place of any other malware removers.  You should still run them, probably also in Safe Mode.

    To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking:

    1. Log out and reboot your machine.

    2. When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly.

    3. Select Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking from the resulting menu.

    4. When the login screen comes up, log in as Administrator.  By default, Administrator has no password.

    5. The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different.  You might not be able to see the Internet, for instance.

    6. When you're finished, log out and reboot back into normal mode.

    Good luck.

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