
My nose is soooooooooooo runny, please tell me how i can make it stopppp!!????

by  |  earlier

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My nose is soooooooooooo runny, please tell me how i can make it stopppp!!????




  1. that used to happen to me but someone told me that if you stop drinking milk it will go away. they said that milk causes mucus when you are sick or something like that... well i tried it and it worked=) hopefully it works for you.

  2. got any money? LOL

  3. See a doctor and ask for atrovent nasal spray, nothing works better.

  4. antihistamines, for allergies

    like dimetap, benadryl,  and all the others that are available

  5. tie a handker chief to yor nose

    HA! HA!HA!

    just kiddin!!!!(don't take it seriously yaaa!! we're frnd's )

    talk to your doctor

    take any medecine..

    GET WELL SOON........................


  6. neti pots... they're every bit as crazy as they look, but that's exactly what i used today to stop runny nose.  the kit is like $20 at shoppers drug mart

    now i'm breathing easy!

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