
My notebook often suddenly turned off without i press the shut down button..what caused it ?

by  |  earlier

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and what should i do?




  1. It could be crashing due to it overheating, so you always want to keep/use it somewhere where it will have a good airflow (not on carpet/blanket etc.)

    It could also be a hardware issue, the best thing to do is make sure your battery is on securely.  If you have any more problems with it, I would contact the manufacturer of the notebook and let them know what's going on.  They will most likely take care of the issue if it's still under warranty.

  2. it is overheating. Probably it is full of dust and the air can't circulate. Try cleaning the dust. If that doesn't help then buy a laptop fan or use it in a cool/cold places. To learn windows OS hacks and secrets go to my profile.

  3. power saving options maybe set, or was running on battery power and has drained, more on power saving below

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