
My office building doesn't have a gym and I would like to run during my lunch in Central Park, what could I do

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...(continuing) to freshen up when I get back because there are now showers. I've had a good fitness regimine lately since I walk to my apartment which is four miles away from work everyday, but I'd like to get a run in there to and I'm too exhausted by the time I get home. So what are some tips you guys would have?




  1. ...

    I presumed you meant, "there are no showers."

    Clearly everyone has a preferred time of day to workout.   And it sounds like yours is NOT the evening.

    A few recommendations:

    -google your area for YMCAs, there may be one close enough to where you work for you to use at lunch, even if it means using only the showers there.  The fees usually are reasonable; and in some situations you can use your membership at multiple locations (e.g., around the office, and near where you live).

    -network among your business colleagues, there may be another company nearby that has at a minimum showers that they wouldn't mind you using; and optimally a public fitness center.

    -if you can do an early morning workout, then do!  I commonly start my runs at 5 a.m., and have plenty of time to get a good workout in then get to work (and occasionally use my lunch to nap to recover!).

    -if mornings are tough, and lunch doesn't work, consider evening classes.  Even if you're tired, the stimulus of the social situation usually is enough to help get going.  Plus having a time and a place to go to helps get you going, too!

    Park districts and athletic centers often have fitness classes geared to the working adult, starting anywhere from 4:30 til 7 and lasting an hour.  I'd recommend Spin(r) classes, since they are taught by certified instructors who usually know something about workouts, including stretching.  And frankly, they're one of the best workouts I am aware of that directly contributes to running strength (=speed) and stamina (=endurance).



    P.s., a last resort is doing a 3 or 4 mile run during your lunch break, hitting the men's room, sponging off, using the "no water" shampoo and soaking yourself in deodorant.  Which works especially if you don't sweat much during a workout!

  2. you could run home shower then bike or drive back to work

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