
My old best friend ( I need girls to answer ) ?

by  |  earlier

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I have been best friends with this girl for 3 years now and last year, we started to grow apart and she was being a bitc* and I was being an a*****e to her. Now an year has gone by and I guess, I miss being friends with her. It just feels like she doesn't want to be friends with me yet she never actually just ends the friendship. I am so confused and I don't know what to do. What is she thinking?! And no, we do not like each other, everyone says that a girl and a boy can't be best friends without liking each other, but we really don't. She told me to call her tonight because she wanted to know what this boy said to me earlier and I geuss I want to apologize. Can you tell me what to say to her? Please, be detailed.




  1. I would just forget the past and start new.  If she wants to talk about the past then you can apologize to her but unless she brings it up I wouldn't say anything. Yes a guy and a girl can just be friends, my best friend is a guy and we have been friends for 13 years.

  2. ok i am a true girll who has true emotions please take my word forr itt. it can only come from your heart how u feel about you guys friendshipp so be real with her. girls LOVE mushy things unless she's like thugged out tomboyish then i cant help youu but here go's : ok i gotta let u know how i feel because its botherin me okay. and let me finish first. well i LOVE you as a bestfriend and i always have and always have. our friendship is reall 2 me and its important. lately things havent been right. i do take this time 2 apologize 4 the a*****e i have been [[because girls like when boys admit they were wrongg.who doesnt!]] im sorry about...(name a couple of the things u felt u were wrong about) andd i really do hope u except my apology. you're a special girl 2 me and i hope u realize that.

  3. Say, "I'm really, really sorry. I never really meant to be like that...I just miss being friends and I want things to be the way they were. Can you forgive me?"

    Or something mushy and sweet, like that. (:

  4. Just apologize for being a jerk, don't argue about how she was being a *****, if she denies it, just forget about it, and tell her that you miss being her friend a lot and you feel bad for what you did to her.

    I'm not going to script it out, but, from personal experience, when guys have been an a*****e to a girl, they LOVE it when you just swallow your pride and tell them that you're sorry... and it helps to throw in an "I miss you" too.

    Hope I helped.

  5. just say what comes from your heart and how you feel, you will feel so much better if you have told her how you feel, dont keep it bottled up.

    dont say to her what other people have told you either:D

    hope everything goes well x

  6. It's very hard to just start to become friends again after being suck jerks to each other. Tell her you're sorry, she'll definitely appreciate it. And since she wanted to call you, it seems like there could be an open door. Take things slowly, becuase you can't expect to drop right back into that friendship so easily. I hope things go well. :  )

  7. I would just say something like, "Hey, I know we were both stupid when we were younger, but I was just wondering if we could both move past it and start over."

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