
My old friends know i'm bi. but i'm moving, should i tell my new friends?

by  |  earlier

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I just moved to VA and haven't started school yet. But i used to live in FL and ALL my friends knew i was bi because i told them and it was really hard for me. some of them even didn't wanna be my friend anymore. But i found out who my true friends were. but my question is should i tell the new friends i make even though it'll be very hard for me? Do you think i should wait until i like someone and just tell her? (cuz i like girls mostly, i'm probably a L*****n) but idk!! please help?




  1. Yes.  Be honest about it up front.  It will preemptively solve a number of likely problems.

  2. I'm from VA, and I would say it totally depends on where you are in VA.  In Northern Va, Tidewater, Greater Richmond, or Charlottesville, you will probably not have a problem.  In Lynchburg or one of the smaller cities, or in rural areas, I would kind of feel things out first.  We don't have any legal protections here, and the voters passed a very restrictive 'marriage amendment' a couple of years ago.   But the people generally are more accepting than that.  There are, however, lots of evangelicals in the state.  LOTS of them.  It was the home of Jerry Falwell, and remains the home of Pat Robertson and his CBN and 700 Club.

  3. I don't know why people make big deals out of being Bi, like you have to come out of the closet when your bi.  I personally don't like it, only because alot of people use bi as an excuse because they don't want to say their g*y.

  4. so...given that your old friends rejected your bisexuality, you think that people in va would treat you differently? last time i checked, martyrs were in the headlines for only 3 weeks and then people moved on.

    va's a conservative state (i'm in northern va and have been all my life) as far as GLBTQ stuff. people are people and kids are tough here.

    tell only those people with whom you have a relationship. it's no one else's business.

  5. Yeah I would tell them go and be a completely knew person.Tell them that you are bi and have confidence in yourself when you do it.Maybe on your first day wear something rainbow so that it will spark conversation and you can tell them.

  6. i think that u should wait until u get a feel for ur new environment and then if it has the same feel as ur old town then do what u did there and tell if they dont want to be ur friend because of who u r then forget them!!! good luck!!!

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