
My old large chow, wolf mix had a liquid under her when she gets up. doesn't smell like urine and is clear.?

by Guest65802  |  earlier

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happens all the time and cant afford the vet unfortuntly




  1. Call the vet, not usually a charge for that.

  2. Yes, you CAN afford a vet.  You just won't.  

    This means that you are not only morally irresponsible, but you are breaking the law.  Typically, city and county law states that leaving a sick animal without vet care = neglect.  

    Break out your credit card and bring this dog to the vet.  Cancel your internet subscription.  Cancel your cable.  Sell your computer.  Either get the money, get the dog to a proper home, or euthanize the dog so that she won't suffer any more at your hands.

    She could be urinating, she could be infected, she could be in heat, she could have a serious problem.

    Get her to a vet.

    Added: "So if its my mortgage or dog, my kids need a home.God help you people that run into financially difficult times."  

    I'm very sorry that you are going through a difficult time right now.  But, that doesn't excuse not caring for your family members.  Your little guilt trip won't work with me.  I gave you options and instead of looking into them, you simply got snotty back to me.  Having a bad attitude certainly isn't going to solve anything.  Perhaps you should check that and people would be more willing to help you.

    When I was having financial problems, I had a fairly high limit credit card for my animals.  Their health came before my telephone, frivilous foods, vacations, computer, internet service, newspaper service, daily coffee, and all that.

  3. take her to the vet, sell lemonade, sell something your dog needs to be seen

  4. maybe this site will help u  

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