
My older brother blackmails me?

by  |  earlier

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im 13, and he found some texts i sent to a girl that wouldnt be great if my mom or dad saw, and hes always a jerk, and acts like my dad. when i told him he should move out (hes 23, almost 24) cuz hes allergic to my guinea pig, he told me he reads my texts and saw that stuff. what should i do?




  1. Just tell him to act more sensibly rather then being so childish. And tell him she was just a friend and nothing else. Donot show that you are afraid or something because in that situation he will crawl over you even more...BE BRAVE!!!...and face the situations

  2. Either find some way to lock your phone or don't send texts like that. And if he tries to hold it over your head to your parents, simply announce the fact that is too old to stay at home anymore and instead of worrying about you, he should find an apartment or something and get his sorry trifling behind out of his parent's house and be an adult.

  3. Well you have a few choices.

    Choice 1: Get dirt on him. (or pretend to have something on him and tell him that if he spills the beans you will too)

    Choice 2: Erase the text messages (the cell phone company does not keep text records so don't worry, once they erased there is no proof) and the next time he says he is going to tell say, "I don't know that you talking about." or "Go ahead". Then if he does tell say, "What are you talking about? You are such a liar." Then start crying and tell your parents he is lying and being mean. *If he wants war - look out! You can play the game too*

    Choice 3: Tell your parents before he does.

    There are the choices. Good luck!

  4. That is a pretty imature 24 year old I guess he is just a a** I am sorry to hear that...  I am not sure what to tell you to do though...

  5. might be easier if you just 'fess up to your parents.  That way he can't hold it over your head and blackmail you.  Sometimes it's easier to face the music than deal with never dies!

    :)  Good luck...I know you'll do the right thing!

  6. well if u have ur phone erase the texts and if u do something and he tries to tell on u deny it and gladly show ur parents ur phone .and make sure he never gets ur phone or anything of urs that might get u in trouble and when ur parents are not around tell him that this is a shame what he was doing and he should stop messing with you and being childish and to quit being such a freakin bomb and move out of his parents house and get a life

  7. If he blackmails you then it is because you have allowed it.

  8. uh erase the texts and when he tells on you just go "wow... i have no ieda what your talking about, but you keep thinking that dude" and just act like hes crazt, lol. never let someone hold something against you  

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