
My older brother got kicked out of his house and has been staying with me for 4 months he does not work a lot

by  |  earlier

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but i am working 2 jobs to pay the mortgage, (the house is mine) i askedfor $425.00/mo.

so far Ive gotten that only once. meanwhile all the bills are getting higher. what am i spposed to do?




  1. duh why did he get kicked out of his house and now you are being a patsy for a moocher

  2. Give him a timetable when YOU are going to kick him out. Give him until September 1 to find a job and begin paying rent and for half of the expenses. If not, he leaves on September 1. He can go to a homeless shelter. That is where people live that don't like to work. Be firm because you will be stuck with the bum otherwise. It's time somebody told him how life works. You will actually do him a favor.

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