
My older brother just came out

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i just found out my older brother is g*y. hes 17 and im 14. i have to go to school with him this year. i dont want to accept him. i think its really wrong and disgusting. i know it sounds terrible. i dont know what to do. my mom says i need to be strong but my dad doesnt know. they are too scared to tell him. i am in therapy but its not helping. i dont want to associate myself with him anymore. i never want to again. but i know that living under the same roof i have to. please help me.!!!!!!




  1. It's your personal choice, but you'll almost certainly regret not keeping a relationship with your brother later in life (say when your old enough to realize family matters). Perhaps at your wedding, parents funeral or even your graduation.

  2. Why don't you want to accept your brother?  Don't you want him to accept you as you are?  There's nothing wrong with being g*y.  Why would God create something he doesn't approve? That doesn't make sense.

  3. Maybe you should talk to him about how your feeling. There is nothing wrong with begin g*y. you may not accept him but he is your brother are you going to let him being g*y ruin you relationship. so what you would rather never talk to him again. just don't think about it.  let me ask you a question how would you feel if you were in his shoes? how would you feel if he never talked to you again? just think about that. he is g*y so what  trust me things could be so much worse.

  4. Even if you don't accept what he's doing you should at least accept him as a person. you may not think its right to be g*y and you don't have to no one says you do but he is your brother and he is always gonna be no matter what.

    As for not associating with me then dont when i went to high school i saw my sister and didn't talk to her. I wasn't called ______'s little sister.  

  5. i cant tell you to just suck it up and accept it! but i can tell that hes ur brother no matter what i think u should find your own way to deal with things and try not to disown your brother.

  6. I am anti-homosexual, however, if my brother came to me and told me he was g*y, my love or want to hang out with him wouldn't change. If my friends cannot accept me and my family for what we are, they're not really friends. My brother will always be my brother and regardless of the choices he makes-good or bad, nothing will change that.  

  7. Did you have a relationship with your brother before he came out?

    Did you like him at all?

    Remember, he's still your brother, the same as he ever was.

  8. Being g*y doesn't matter, it's like him saying he needs theropy because you like guys, can you see how he would view this? How were you before he came out? I am guessing you loved him and excepted him as your older brother, so why can't u just carry on accepting for who he is, imagine how he'd feel if he found out his little sister was trying to disown him because of his sexuality? He is obviously happy being g*y, and you can;t help who you fall in love with.

    Just carry on as you would if he was straight, he is your brother and always will be, you can't choose your family OR your natural sexuality, and it was probably one of the hardest things he has ever had to do. Just support him through this and you never know, one day he may change his mind, or it could be a phase, but whatever the weather, never stop loving him for who he is... please!

  9. do you love your brother just a little bit? If you don't, you better tell him how you feel, and try to sound less hating as much as possible. You can tell him that you hate him too, so that he'll know what and who really matters in his life. Telling the truth is very courageous, your brother did it, maybe you should too, its better that he knows what you're feeling so he'll know how to deal with stuff in the future. What's more, you got it out of your chest, and if he decides to leave or anything, you wouldn't have to deal with him anymore...

    EDIT: So, you were very close. I am sorry, this must be tough for you too... What your brother needs now is love. Let him know that you're having a hard time dealing with this, but make him feel that he still has you. That is, if you can. I had a painful experience with my brother years ago when i came out as well. But thing is people don't tease or harrass me, or him. But I don't know how it was affecting him, I really felt rejected and always alone. And I have bitter feelings towards my family because my friends can love and accept me, but they can't. Not until we reached our 20s did we talk and establish a sibling relationship. He still hopes I change but whatever.

    Maybe you have to get older in order to learn something from this experience. For now you have to face a challenge. This will make you who you are as a person, as a sibling, as a friend. That is all. I won't be expecting much from a 14 year old, though. But Godbless and Goodluc.

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