
My older brother just won the ******* lottery!!!!?!?!?!!?

by  |  earlier

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omfg jesus my brother just won the ******* lottery!!!! he is 22, and i visit him a lot because he lives close, and i convinced him to get a lottery ticket!!! and he won!!! but, the only problem is.... he wont give me any of the money!! he won like 20 thousand dollars, and won't give me a single dime of it!!!!, even though i TOLD him to get the ticket!!! He said he needs to pay for some stuff right now, which is retarted, cuz my parents are paying for his house!!! what do you guys think i should do??? no effense to my brother, but he is being a douche




  1. i have to suppose you have been like this all your life my brother has it i want it so he should give it to me.   grow up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's your brothers money, let him enjoy it.

  3. hey hey stay calm just ask your brother what hes paying for i think hes trying to get into college or did he pass if he did then  

    tell him why are you so mean to me?

  4. your bro bought the ticket, its his money, he won it. You just happened to be there at the time when he bought it and asked him to buy one, for himself. You could have bought one and won the money

  5. If he doesn't want to give you any money, he doesn't have to. It's his even though you told him to buy the ticket. It seems low-down to me that he won't give you any, but you just have to suck it up. Sorry

  6. its his money he can do what he wants with it 20 thousand is not a lot of money after taxes. sounds like he needs the money if your parents are paying for his house. if he gives any money to anyone it should be them. sorry it sounds like you are the being a d*****

  7. Wow what a true liberal we have here.

    Someone has $$ and I should get some.

    Maybe your brother thinks you are the douche.

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