
My older brother was my bff but its like i lost him how do o get out reltionship back?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my brother were everytihng to eachother. we was like my best friend and we did a lot of things together. we played vidoe games but ever since my mom left him 4 years ago its like i lost the only person in my life that realy matterd to me. its like im not sure what to do in my life. im lost. im depressed. i hate things. i cant talk to no one.

how do i get him back




  1. Tell him.

    No matter how scared you are just go up to him and tell him how you feel.

    If you were really that close I'm sure he misses you too.

  2. Man i know what you mean bro

    missing your brother,

    My brother died 5 years ago and its been a horrible feeling, but try to do something, tell your mom how you feel. I would do anything to be with my little bro again  

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