
My older daughter has adhd & is very emotional?

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She is 7 yrs old so I am not sure if its the age or the medication. We have dealt with the adhd in so many ways trying to get her behavior under controll. School is really the only issue with the behavior. Home issues are her being so emotional. The other day she got mad bc she was tryin to build her castle with blocks. The dog kept barking she came runnin thru house kicked the dog & just started hysterically crying. She has never been like this before. Has anyone else been through this?




  1. Aww poor dog got kicked! Anyways

    ~Is she on any medicin that could cause this?

    Maybe it's just a phase..

  2. hi kim. we have a 10yr. old daughter and she has adhd and if she doesnt get her own way, she throws a fit, she is on concerta now, about the best stuff we found so far. she thinks whatever she says, thats what it should be. shes only 10, but she thinks shes 20 or so. you will find out, it comes and goes, it does that with our daughter. some days you couldnt ask for a better kid and then theres some days its just the oppisite.

  3. You have just described my daughter.  She has ADHD and takes Concerta. She is 10 and has terrific outbursts.  There is no reasoning with her.  When she is throwing a fit, we send her to her room to calm down - sometimes it can take up to an hour.  She has to learn that she is responsible for her behavior - not our dog, not her siblings, not my husband and me, not her teachers or schoolmates.  The Concerta has helped - she was much worse and more violent before.

  4. Ok, first please understand that ADD does affect the areas of the brain that control emotional regulation.  Also, understand that those of us with ADD are often very sensitive to background noise.  Imagine a jackhammer going on and off randomly while you were trying to balance your checkbook.  That's how we feel while trying to concentrate with a loudly ticking clock in the room.

    Not that this excuses her behavior.  Kicking the dog, or any emotional outburst, is not acceptable.  But be aware she may need your help in learning to calm down.  Also, try to make sure your home isn't overstimulating or understimulating.  A home environment where the TV or radio is always on can drive an ADD kid nuts, but so too can boredom.  Observe and find the right balance.

    Here is a great website:

    You do not have to subscribe to read the fulltext of the articles, and there is a section on parenting ADHD kids.

  5. wow.....yes i do.

    my son his his taking meds ONLY at his school but not at the house cz i want him to burn that energy if his w/ be honest it help him a me it did.......

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