
My older daughter has the same degree as me and she wants to wear spectacles.What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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She has a degree of 175 right eye and 125 left eye. Oh and she's ten




  1. if shes just had her eyes tested did she need glasses? Because if she did she can get them free on the NHS.

    Although she has the same powers as you i wouldnt recomend her wearing yours unless it is okied with the optician first, youve got to be careful with children's eyes.

    however if she just wants to play with glasses, pop into your local opticians and ask if they have any frames with no lenses in that they can give to you for a small donation.  That way she isnt damaging her eyes by wearing somone elses prescription.

  2. - Rx or + Rx?

    If minus, she is almost certainly going to get benefit from having the glasses *sometimes*, though she needn't wear them all the time.  

    Depending on individual assessment, using them for closework might be better avoided.   (if she tends to hold reading very close, though, that does need discouraging.)

    If a +ve Rx, many children that age can "carry" such an Rx without any problems or symptoms, and wearing glasses should only be considered if there is an assessed risk of a lazy eye or strabismus, or if there is a reluctance to read and do close or detailed work.

    If so, glasses for prolonged closework and computer screens could well be beneficial.

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