
My older sister is ignoring me what do I do?

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I babysit her kids. And when I tell her if they were bad she always acuses me of getting them to the point of acting that way. I am also tired of her telling me not to do things that she thinks I do but it's really he going them. So help me out




  1. So stop baby sitting. If she can't believe you, then she is not giving you enough credit as the responsible party. So then stop baby sitting for her.

  2. and again stop babysitting...problem solved.

  3. I agree with the first poster. Stop sitting them. Tell her that you are doing the best you can, and if she does not like it, she can find some one else. It really is as easy as that. Best of luck to you.

  4. Stop babysitting her kids.  You are doing her a favor and then she puts you down.  Make her pay a fortune having a stranger sit for her instead.  Maybe she'll appreciate you more.  If the new sitter has problems with them, you will be validated....but still never sit for her again.

  5. Don't babysit for her.

  6. haha every one says stop babysitting. and i agree.

    if your mom is making you babysit, i would tell her "well I'm so horrible, why do you want me to babysit?" after that just sit there. let the kids go crazy. feed them a ton of sugar. let them do anything but kill themselves. when she comes home, just tell her, "and THAT'S what a bad job looks like. see you later."

    chances are she either wont WANT you to babysit again, or she will start to respect you.

    another, less entertaining, but more kind thing to do is have a talk with your sister. tell her that you cant stand babysitting for her because she only sees you as as good as her kids are.

    hope i helped :)

  7. Well what do you do with them? Do you get them overexcited or are too negative? Try being more positive with the children and maybe being calm. i don't know what you are doing So I am just assuming. Often children if they get overexcited forget about the rules and start bouncing off the walls. Do relaxing things with them like going fishing, swimming, picnic, drawing, listening to quiet music or playing music, story reading and just discussing things together, also looking and exploring nature. When you find a child is misbehaving tell them what to do rather than what not to do. For instance if a child throws a toy don't say "dont throw that!" say "keep the toy safe by your side please". Children will do what you say so if you say "dont throw the toys" they hear "throw toys"!! so instead tell them what you want them to do instead. Another example is if they get into a fight you could say instead of "stop kicking her, stop fighting" you could say "keep your feet still, talk nicely please" etc. This gives them a bigger chance of getting things right. And if they change their behaviour this is good. So maybe if they  misbehave and then listen to what you say you could say "they did a good job listening today" etc.

    Also instead of just reporting back, if the children are old enough why not get them to write a story about what they did when you babysat them or draw a picture. If they can't do this they could tell you and you can write it down. You could also add underneeth how you saw the day go as well. THis means she gets a bigger picture of what happened and not just the bad behaviour or whatever.

    If you are using positive techniques and she is still fighting with you just say "do you want me to babysit them or not?"

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