
My older son is doing MUS Delta and my younger is doing MUS Gamma...?

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I'm having trouble organizing their math. We are currently doing a unit study on geography and so everything we do (Spelling, Grammar, Cursive, Reading, etc) pertains to that. They used to be on the same math level, but now they need more individual attention. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to teach one and keep the other occupied with something else since they both do the same things otherwise. Please, any suggestions? We do need to do math every day. Thanks!




  1. There are probably things that each son can do independently.  Penmanship is one, and perhaps art.  What I do with my 2 is while I'm working with one, the other does independent assigned work, and if he finishes with his schoolwork and I am not ready to work with him, I have him do his chores for a few minutes till I am ready.  It depends on the age of your sons, really.  There might be some sort of computer program that works on basic math facts that one son could do while you work with the other.

  2. Put one on the computer to play while the other watches the video and goes over the work with you. then trade places so that the other child is watching the video and going over the work with you.

    Or use the video and teachers manuel one day for one child and the next day do the same with the other child. While one is doing the video and stuff the other can be doing exersizes. It comes with 6 pages of worksheets so there is plenty of practice they can be doing.

    We're using Beta and the Primer.

  3. You could do silent reading time while the other child is doing math.  Reading should be done daily any way and that would be a great time to get it in!  

    We use MUS as well but use the DVD's.   I find they work very well.

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