
My oldest child, who is 20, has just left for her first holiday abroad on her own.

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I am so delighted for her, all new experiences, new countries, everything thats ahead of her, but why have spent the last day doing nothing but worrying about her, and probably will keep doing it until I know she is home safe and sound




  1. Okay, and whats your question hun???! YOU ARE A MOTHER  WE WORRY. Do what I do and ask your higher power to always be with her and to protect your baby girl... She will always be your baby!!! CALL HER UNTIL IT DRIVES HER CRAZY!!!LOL

  2. My mum was exactly the same when I went away on my first holiday by myself with my friends when I was 19!

    She just made me promise to call her every night to let her know I was ok-and then she told me when I got home she would sit in my room some evenings on her own because it smelled of me and she missed me!

    I think it's all normal for you to feel this way, it's a sign your little girl is growing up and finding her own feet-you're bound to have a certain worry over it because she's not as dependant on you as she used to be and is finding her way in life. Think of it as a positive thing-your daughter is a shining reflection of all you taught her, and all you showed her over the years and in return to you giving her all your love and support growing up, she's showing you that have taught her well.

    Don't worry too much, I'm sure she's fine, she's going to have a fantastic time and she'll be home before you know it to tell you all about her journey and show you the photos. xx

  3. I dread the day that happens to me, yes I want my children to see the world and have adventures I can only dream of but the thought of them leaving me just kills me inside AND they are only 6 & 3 so im bloody worrying already which is stupid.  I dont know what advice to give you cos I know I would be feeling exactly the same

    By the way my father in-law is like that with all his children and the oldest is 36, he hardly sleeps a wink while any of us are on holidays, its just human nature

  4. Thats typical. There's not a whole lot you can do about that but try to keep yourself occupied and have her call you as often as she can.

  5. I think its all part of growing up, gaining new experiences and becoming more independant.  I am sure she will be fine.

  6. Your her Mum its only natural to worry

  7. She's your first child, and a daughter, obviously you're going to worry and it's totally understandable. I'd say you know your daughter enough to know she's sensible enough and will stay out of trouble. I went on my first holiday without my parents when I was 17, as did most of my friends. We didn't get up to anything wild or anything. Try not to let her see how worried you are about her or she'll find it harder to take advantage of the opportunity to see new places etc.  

  8. it wont be long till she's out your life for good!

  9. Honey, come down.

    She is 20 and I'm sure clever enough to avoid putting herself into trouble.

    Enjoy having more space for yourself until she's back.

  10. chill out youll give yourself a heart attack. if you love someone set them free. the more worried you are the less likely you will cope with an emergency if it arises.  

  11. yep , I know the feeling.

  12. i had my first holiday at 17..   its only gonna be natural to worry and im sorry to say but u will probably carry on worring till u see her again when she gets home...

  13. Indeed.  It will be a good experience for her.  However, did you ask her to take a packet of contraceptives?  Men abroad aren't in favor of condoms and so she should be wary of getting pregnant, let alone getting STDs.

    Would you come back in a few weeks time to tell us about her exploits overseas?


  14. Did you tell her to call home often?  If you know where she is staying try to call her there and check in...not to hover over her, but just ask her how her day was and what cool things she did.

  15. don't worry about her.  she's a full adult and she's 1 year away from 21 also.  relax and let her control her own life.

  16. Im 19 . . 20 in 3 months and my mum would not let me go on holiday on my own! lol, guess shes a bit lie you . . and no doubt i would be the same if it were my child. Make sure u call her often and let her know ur missing her =D


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