
My oldest daughter was hairing in paired have to have tubes put in her ears this made her delayed .?

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she is 7 now and has been in school sense she was 2 years old , shes in iep etc, but im starting to think she has learned to work the teachers into getting her way and not having to do so much unless its one on one im getting worried because this will delay her more , the teacher just seem to say this work is just to hard for her for where is at and where her class is , as i said before i think she has the teacher wrapped around her fingers , and was wondering if the is a free site on here to help me teach my daughter how to read and write senence etc because if the teacher are not going to help her get to her class room level then i will .





  2. I am not sure this site will help or not, but have you seen the movie based on the life of helen keller. That might help you out if you seen it.

  3. I don't think that a computer is going to help much, but you could try  using sight words, at home sight words are words that are used freaquently in books.  Is as the it if has have they

    you get the point this will get her recognizing these simple words.   Get books that are repetitive so she learns to recognize words.

    As far as writing a sentence that comes with practice if she can already write her letters then you are ready to begin writing words.

    have her draw a picture, label the pictures. don't worry about spelling.  let her write your grocery list.  

    If she is beyond this point then you are ready for short sentences.  

    Draw pictures of emotions on a piece of paper, ask her to write the sentence that best fits the emotion such as the angry face.  She would write I am mad.   and so on.

    once she gets that down then have her keep a journal.  She should write in it every day.  

    Have her draw a picture and then tell the story.  

    Make sure you help her and be patient.

    Tell her how to write a paragraph.  Tell her to pick one subject. such as a bird  ask her to tell you five things she knows about birds.  These are the five sentence she should write such as  Birds have feathers. Birds live in trees.  Birds sleep in nests. Birds can fly.  you get the point.

    you can print off hand writing sheets off the internet.  there are many sites.   available just run a search for free hand writing print outs it will give you a list of sites you can also do this for math.  

    Just remember the more fun she has the more she will want to do it.  

    Give her a lot of praise point our her improvement.  move slowly and never push to hard.

    Sorry if there is miss spelling, my spell check is not working and I am a horrible speller.

  4. I would ask the school if they could recommend someone to help your daughter.  Unfortunately, there were a few errors in your explanation of the situation, as far as grammar goes.  I don't know if you can help her.  I apologize if this seems rude, I just want to make sure your daughter gets the help you want for her.  She needs the best possible help and that comes from a professional.  Good luck and God Bless.

  5. Not trying to sound funny, but there is the whole "hooked on phonics" thing. Have you thought about maybe getting a private Tudor for at home maybe for a little while just to see if she improves? It's just a thought, and there are some Tudor places where I live that you can go to without having to have them come to your house.

    If you are also that concerned, I would go and speak to the principal about this issue. You are looking out for the best for you daughter, and if you don't think are receiving that kind of attention, then I would voice that. Good luck!

  6. find out from the teachers what kind of work the class room is doing . you can go to wall mart and get work books this is what i do for my grand daughter even though she has home work . now she might not want to do it or say it is to hard to get out of doing it tell her if she does her work you buy her mc donalds or what ever you think well work with her  then once you find out she can do it show the teacher .and tell her you want her to do the school work like the other kids , one more thing you can ask the teacher that you want work sheets that the other kids are doing so you can help her at home good luck. ps the work books are were the coloring books are if you can,t find them ask some one they well help you

  7. Although teachers are very knowledgeable about student's development and progression, I find that, unless they are inserviced on the specific needs of hearing impaired children, they are not able to understand or meet them. You need to call an IEP meeting and request your child have a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing. He/she can educate the school staff to your daughter's needs, work as an aide for her in the classroom, and pull her out to work individually. You obviously want to be proactive in your daughter's education, good luck!!

  8. maybe you should homeschool. I am that way with a teacher of mine too, but works out for the both of us, we work harder and then we get rewarded (mostly getting to go outside) we are like addicted, it is a private school, largest class=6, class I am talking about=4...I don't know what else you could do, I think A Beka has a pretty good program but it would mostly require you to homeschool.

  9. hearing impaired....the teachers are knowledgeable and should not tell you she is doing fine if she is not.  Perhaps you are worried about nothing and should let up on her a bit.  Part of learning to cope in life is learning to deal with people and it sounds like she is doing that just fine.  Talk to the teacher often and stay involved.

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