
My oldest son keeps inviteing a girl to our house for dinner now my son is doing poorly in school What do I do

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My oldest son keeps inviteing a girl to our house for dinner now my son is doing poorly in school What do I do




  1. its part of growing up, things will not always be int eh up and up. allow for some time of diversion and let him see that he needs to better juggle a life and homework he needs to go through the experiences young adulthood and also learn to juggle his schoolwork. One bad report card may do the trick. Ask for a conference call with his teachers and have them report if hes really doing badly may be the intervention u really need, kids will listen to teachers somethimes better than parents themselves

  2. so you have a friendly kids who brings people home for tea and now he is not doing as well in school. Thes are different issues . Tell him to work harder

  3. I had same problem with my son who is 12. He and she are truly just friends.It did take me some time to believe them on that. When I did I just had them both do homework together as soon as they got to my house. If she didn't have homework then she would help him with his or she would go clean his room for him. As for eating that also happens and I just fed her and the more I got to know her and her mom I figured out that since mom worked until 6 it was hard for her to cook sometimes,(she was also taking care of her sick mom) so they always would eat McDonald's or something. She just really wanted cooked food sometimes. They are both 12. Now I am really glad it all worked out like this because her grandma passed away and she had a place to go and eat and get away from all the stress of a dying grandparent(who actually raised her most of her life) Her mom called and thanked me for all I had done. I thought it was just being a kind and reasonable person. Sometimes things aren't what they seem. Out of all this she knows she can always come to our house now matter what and her mom knows this as well and they both are truly thankful and I believe these two kids will be friends forever. Just friends!

  4. First of all, dinner at my house is for my family to get caughup with each other and air out our differences if any. We do have to limit the times we allow guests to come over for dinner. Usually people we haven't seen in a long time, or visiting family members out-of-towners. But never on a consistant basis. Second, yes he would have to bring up his grades, before he even entertains the thought of calling himself with a girlfriend and bringing her to me on top of that.

    My son don't buy food.

  5. How old is your son?

    I'm assuming he is still a minor. What I would suggest you do is to tell him that if he doesn't do better in school that he cannot date that girl. It sounds like the girl is having an influence on him. Again I do'nt know the whole story but you are the parent so you have to put your foot down for your son's sake!

  6. Sit down and talk to him tell him tell him to ger his school work done first. If he doesnt tell his friend to go home, whats the worst thats going to happen. You control what your child does not him. Step your foot down

  7. First, you should talk to him about his schoolwork and ask him why he thinks he is doing poorly. You do not know for sure yet whether or not his grades have anything to do with this girl. Tell him that if he continues to bring back bad grades then you will take away certain privileges, starting with the time he spends with the girl. If he still brings receives bad grades, you have to lay down the law! You are his parent and you need to do what's best for your son. Limet the time he spends with this girl. If that doesn't improve his grades, then that must not be the reason why he is doing poorly. It may just be a case of end-of-the-school-year laziness. With the warm whether and anticipation of summer time, lots of kids start to slack of towards the finish of the school year.

  8. Tell him to concentrate on school....and limit the time he spends with this girl...

  9. Limit the dinners to once a week, preferably on a weekend or a night after a test, when no important school work is going on.

  10. LOL! my son is the some way.  always tell him "if you cant keep up in shool you dont get certian privlages" and i set the law straight. if my son isnt getting at least a B- in all his classes he doesnt get to do special things. thats how it was when i was young and thats how its going to be now with my children. i hope this helps!!!


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