
My oldest son will be graduating high school this year, but doesn't want a party.?

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He is the first grandkid to graduate in our family. He will also be leaving for the Marines in Aug. I really want to do something special for him. When i asked him what he wanted he said "Mom don't worry just do what ever!" He is a sweet kid who never caused any problem got into any trouble and he never expects anything. Any suggestions from anyone who going to graduate or already did.




  1. My dear friend, act as if you aren't going to give him a party, then blow him away with a suprise party. He is grown up moving out and will have this memory forever!  GOD Bless you and your son.

  2. im not sure. if he says he doesnt want one, dont do it. maybe have a small gathering or something, or just family. something to commemorate his achievements. when i graduated from high school i didnt want a grad party, but my mom insisted and threw me one anyway. lol. i still hate being the center of attention, but i end up letting my mom give me a bday party because she wants to so badly (im 23, bday parties are held for anyone in my immediate family despite their age.) id prefer she respected my preferences, but what can you

  3. So he doesn't want a party, it's HIS graduation, not your's.

  4. wow .....  congrats  & hats off to him :)

    Maybe take him on a vacation ... or send him on one ?   A  car ... 4 wheeler  or some type of  toy  depending on his likes...   IDK...     Hmmm I'mma girl so IDK

  5. Sometimes the best thing to do is sit and enjoy the time you have with him. That is the best gift anyone can give their child. Be patient.  Worrying is only going to stress you and your son. Maybe you can ask him if the school is going to have some sort of kick back for the Seniors. Knowing most kids they'll want to stay with their friends for one last goodbye... and when the time comes ask him again if you can throw a cookout just to congratulate him on his success...

  6. It sounds like he doesn't want to burden you, but you should definitely celebrate his accomplishment! Just throw a small party in your house and invite family and friends over, a little thing to acknowledge his achievement.

  7. You should throw a party for him.  I know he says he doesn't want it, that's partly because he doesn't want to give you something extra.  Do it!  In the end he will be happy along with everyone else.  You should also see about having a going away party for him before he goes into the Marines.

    Congrats to him on his accomplishment & his future goals!

  8. get him a car

  9. He sounds like he doesn't want to burden you.  Unless he tells you NOT to have a party for him you should have a party!

    Make it very special and more 'grown-up' than any other party you've done for him.  

    Maybe have friends and family over for a nice meal and (if you want) make a scrapbook to give to him of his journey through school.  :)

    And have all the guests write a note to him to add to the book!

  10. If he doesn't want a party then don't give him one.  I have always hated being the center of attention, maybe your son does to.  Let him do what he wants, maybe he just wants to hang out with his friends, all you have to do is provide the place and some munchies.

    Congrats to your son!

  11. Throw him a graduation open house where people can come by on a Sunday from like 2 -6 anytime and stop in and say congrats and good luck!  

    That's awesome that he is going into the Marines.  My hubby was in the Marines.  The best advice - be in the middle.  Do more than the least amount and do less then the best.  If you are in the middle of the group you don't get noticed and trust's a good thing if you don't get noticed from the stories he has told me!  Marines are proud individuals!

  12. he doesnt want to make you stress on the fact that parties can be stressful.

    however, if you are up for it.

    surprise him.

    I would love for my family to surprise me, but i already know about it. You should invite all of his friends, and his family there. To just have fun. Get a cake, and lots of music.  

    And if you dont want your family mingling with his friends, have a "family" party in the day, then at a certain time have the friends come as the surprise.

    Because i know he probably doesnt want grandma kissing him and pulling his cheeks when he is with his friends, being cool.

  13. Dear Susan,

    Your son was so wonderful to hear about such an inspiration to the young population these days.  I was sorry to hear about the Marines because I hate the way the young people are being sacrificed.  If you live anywhere Near Las Vegas, bring him over and all you family and just have a running 3 day party, take him to circus-circus, m&m's  and all the young people things he can see and into the hotels that he can see everything exciting before he goes into the service.

    I think that could be a party he wont' forget.  It worked for my niece.

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