
My one gerbil had her babies. The other female has been seperate from her for a while.?

by  |  earlier

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Once the babies are away from the mother for good, can I put the two females back together? Will they fight? They've only been seperate for 2 weeks. They were together at the pet store. can they be put back together?




  1. Even if 2 gerbils have been living together for their entire lives, if they are seperated for more than 24 hours they need to be re-introduced, they will not recognize each other.


    read all of this and put them back together, you don;t need to split females,

    you can remove the pups at five weeks and sell at six week.

    don't try put them  together with the pups there!

  3. They'll need to be reintroduced, but it should be fine.

    Really, you didn't need to separate them.  Gerbils will raise babies together- if you had left them in, she'd have acted like an aunt to the babies, and helped the mom raise them.

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