
My one month old has a cold?

by Guest57869  |  earlier

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she has had a really blocked nose for 2 weeks now. i have taken her to the doctor numerous times and they say its not on the chest yet so dont worry but i have been using a humidifier , saline drops, trying to suck it out with the sucker( not much comes out), pinned kempher to her shirt and still its the same. Im so scared of loosing her and dont know what else to do. has anyone else had a baby this young with the same thing. will she get better. scared it will cause sids aswell. she is my life this girl . thanks for your help




  1. My son had a cold at this age. Your doctor should have told you that it can take several WEEKS for the cold to pass. You are doing everything you can for a baby this age, because medication is not recommended for babies this young, only home remedies. Use the saline drops, the bulb syringe and turn on the humidifier at night. You can try putting a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the humidifier. Also, your baby needs to sleep as upright as possible, so try putting her to sleep in an infant seat or strapped into her carseat in the crib. Don't worry, you will not lose her! The saline is the best thing you can do for her. Keeping the mucous thin and clear is the most important thing you can do to prevent an infection.

  2. Hello, my daughter had a couple of things when she was young. Right from birth she had a yeast infection because her first bowel movement was in my wife and then her csection didn't happen for 14 hours later. Then at 1 week old she got her first cold. Same as you, blocked nose and we were worried. We just used a humidifier in her room and suck the boogers out around 4-5 times a day. They hate the nose sucker for sure. But make sure whe is propped up when you suck the boogers and not laying flat. The sucker doesn't work as good when they are laying flat. She would breath through her mouth when she had the cold and it lasted for almost a month. If your pediatrician says not to worry yet, then I wouldn't. It is super scary as a new parent for us. Just use your monitor when she sleeps if she is in a separate room. But make sure if you see it get worse to take her back to the doctor. But it does happen to lots of babies and ours is now 7 months old and healthy as a horse.

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