
My one nipple is bigger than the other... and im a guy

by Guest58876  |  earlier

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i'm a 17 guy and for about 6 years now my right nipple as been noticeably bigger than my left, it seems to stick out and look larger in all aspects... at the base it seems as though theres a lump or something at the base.. ive heard that its all in puberty but i doubt this one stage would last 6 years? will it go away or will the other one become the same?




  1. Best bet is go see your doctor.  It be just some fatty tissue under the nipple (not unusual) but better to have it checked out rather than rely on advice from a bunch of people on Yahoo answers.!  Good luck.

  2. a lump.. could be a breast cancer.. go to the doctor immediately

  3. I agree with Wildbeast, above me. Men can get breast cancer, too. Google symptoms for Men's breast cancer, or go on wikipedia.

    I'll be sure to pray for you/family, just in case...though I'm sure everything will turn out okay, if you hurry and go get help.  

  4. So. Don't worry about this little imbalance. Very likely one of your testicles is larger than the other. You shouldn't care about this little imperfections of nature.

    I do not share the opinion about a breast cancer suggested by the"wildebeest", because only 1% of all brest cancers are suffered by males. You would be very unlucky.

    Just in case "Google it".

  5. You are due to have your physical every two years or so--did your doctor not notice this? (Or you didn't tell him?) There is nothing to get embarrassed about. They have seen it all, believe me.

    Is there pain? If so, constant? or when you touch it. Is there a discharge, ever, and what color (from the nipple). Do you have any swollen lymph nodes, on the shoulder, on the back, on your neck, under the armpit (especially on that side). If so, do they go away, or come up every so often? Do they move about? Are they sore? Do you have a fever?

    Not to alarm you, it's time to make another appointment and I am not being funny about this. Talk to your mother or father about it and just say that you would like it checked. I am sure they will understand.


    If it were cancer, you would have been dead already (having it for six years). It could be as simple as Gynecomastia. Nothing to be embarrassed about Just see your doctor soon. See here--but please don't get too upset.

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