
My one year old FIGHTS her naps; she is so tired she can barely walk and all she does is CRY. HELP. Im nuts!!

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she takes about 30 min to fall asleep andsometimes, that only last for 30 min itself. And she has to be rocked and patted. OMG; I am having another baby in NOV and I have got to get this child under control..




  1. calm down!!! you're not alone...

  2. My sister had twins, and she had the same problem. Seriously, what you need to do is lay her down and keep her there. Let her cry, she's not hurt and over time she'll learn that its nap time and develop a routine. Don't cave into her and  Good luck :)

  3. Leave her in her crib to cry until she falls asleep. Stop the rocking and patting. It will get harder before it gets better, but soon she will be napping on her own.

  4. Honestly I would quickly ferberize her or you will go crazy when the next baby comes.  I know, I've been there.  If the Ferber method is too harsh for you, there are ways of toning it down, softening it up.  If you're not familiar with this method, just google it.

  5. Call nanny 911..

    Or supernanny... :L


    tire your child out by going for a long walk in the evening etc. so that they're ready to go to bed.

  6. My SIL had the same problem. It turned out to be night terrors. My niece was having horrible dreams and was scared to sleep. They took her to a sleep specialist who monitored her brain waves while she slept and she showed a major increase in brain activity with sweating and shuddering. She was fine after a few night sleeping near mom and playing "lullaby"CD .....You will be fine honey....hang in there!!!!

  7. Hate to tell you this, but if you don't find your answer soon (before the new baby comes), it will get worse.  That being said, have you tried this:

    Go with her to the room she sleeps.

    Make sure the room is darkened.

    Lay her in her bed, and (if you can) lay with her.

    Turn on a noise machine, to help her relax.

    Read a story to her, maybe one where the main character goes on a trip.

    If that doesn't work there is a natural chemical the brain produces to help you sleep called melatonin.  It is avaliable over the counter (in several doseages). Check with her pediatricain first, but it is not addicting, and might help.

    Good luck :)

  8. Her tummy might hurt her.  Make her some light chamomile tea.

    Try giving her a lavander bath it'll calm her down before the nap and if you continue doing this everyday you slowly will get her into the routine of going to sleep.  You can also read to her after the bath the sound of you voice should also be able to put her to sleep, if you can't do that put on some soft lullably music in her room.  Or take her for long walks.

    talk to her pediatrician for other suggestions.


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